Sun, Mar 16, 2025
Let's Do This.....In London! (June 28-30)
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, This is the one so many of you have been waiting for, as measured by the number of calls and e-mails I’ve received. CLICK HERE and grab your seat for the June 28-30, 2013 Speed Seduction® Seminar in London, UK: READ through the sales letter as I walk you through what […]
Boyfriend Destroyer And The Kingdom Of Sarge
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, I’ve dealt with the ethics of boyfriend destroying.  Today, I am going to share an actual Sarge report from a student who successfully used this technique.  Stay with me for a moment as I lay it out for you. There’s a scintillatingly hot clerk at his local convenience store.  […]
The Simplest Anchoring Technique
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, At last weekend’s seminar in Los Angeles, several students were highly interested in anchoring techniques. There are many such techniques, and we did an entire module on them. To cast an anchor right now, here’s a simple anchoring technique you can use: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. How would it change […]
How To Touch A Woman To Sexualize Her, Part 2
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Picking up on last week’s video on how to touch a woman to sexualize her, watch this brief demonstration of the third kind of touch, and why I can’t show you the fourth: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Earlier today, if you’re on our mailing list, I e-mailed you about our […]