Tue, Mar 11, 2025
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the all-time favorite language patterns is the Boyfriend Destroyer. (For anyone who thinks the idea of a “boyfriend destroyer” is bad, evil, misogynistic, disrespectful, rude, pushy, or anything else I’ve been called on the Romance Racketeer talk shows, stop your hissy-fitting and read this first.) Then come back, with […]
An Unusual Pick-Up Line Opener That Gets Her Interested
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Women at all ranges of the HB scale, in all walks of life, get hit on all the time.  Especially waitresses.  OMG. In this clip (just 2:10) I show you, word-for-word, how to stand out in the Sargy crowd, AND avoid a mistake many other guys make. (What you’re about to […]
A Sad Story Of Two Spirit-Smashing Spurnings (Part 2)
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Yesterday we visited the first of two sad scenarios that caused a student of mine to cock-block himself from his 96-year supply of women. The first one was disheartening – the chick went absolutely fucking psycho on him. Fair enough. Now, let’s look at how less dramatic circumstances can take their […]
A Sad Story Of Two Spirit-Smashing Spurnings  (Part 1)
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of my coaching clients reported some approach anxiety. There had been a time when he could basically approach any woman, anytime, anywhere.  Whether or not things worked out, he wouldn’t be phased. Then it all changed dramatically. Turns out it changed because two women reacted to him badly and threw […]