Ross Jeffries
Dear Seeker of Success, Listen up, while I share something super important to you. Just promise me that you’ll really consider how valuable it could be to your love life as you discover what I’m about to share. You see, I have come to see that learning how to be genuinely curious about a woman, […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Just because she’s turned on and aroused, doesn’t mean “it’s on”. It’s up to you to have her ACT on those feelings. Watch this video for some techniques: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. This is a brief clip from deep within the vaults, of one of my previous appearances in London. […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Do you find yourself withdrawing socially? Spending a lot of time home alone, no woman there? Is it because you’re the only single guy among all your friends and you’re fed up with being the third, or fifth, or thirteenth wheel every time you go out? Maybe you’re discouraged and it’s […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, So far we’ve covered metastates vs. primary states, and how women get horny. Now let’s tie this together even more strongly and look at the metastatic differences between men and women. With this understanding, women should make more sense than ever to you: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Funny how the […]