Sun, Jan 26, 2025
Are You "Confident" With Women?
Dear Seeker of Success, Many times the guys who come to me, only do so after years of being deeply stuck when it comes to meeting, attracting and enjoying women. Throughout those years, they have often spent countless hours trying to “figure out” how they are going to get out of their romantic desert and […]
2 Metaphors Reveal The Importance Of Seduction Language
Dear Seeker of Success, Language patterns and seduction techniques that may seem (at first) weird to us, in fact are exactly what get women hot and wet. I’ve been saying it, and saying it, and saying it. Let me try it a different way. To underscore, a couple of quick metaphors to help you understand […]
What Happens When Her Friends Show Up?
Dear Seeker of Success, Has something like this ever happened to you? You approach a woman for the first time and open conversation. After talking for maybe eight minutes or so, one of her friends comes in. She starts talking to them. Next thing you know you’re out of the loop. If they don’t outright […]
Video: Finding the Right Motivation For Your Success With Women
Dear Seeker of Success, From deep, deep, deep in the vault, here is a live teaching clip on the topic of frames and motivation for your complete success with women: [HTML1] As you watch and realize how much you’d like my 30+ years and tens of thousands of hours of teaching, coaching and seduction consulting […]