Ross Jeffries
Dear Seeker of Success, Recently I had a student tell me he is really good at approaching HB6s and HB7s (women who he deems “not bad”, but not incredibly hot either). But, when it came to “9s” and “10s” (amazingly hot women), he just could not approach or get them into bed. Seemed something was […]
Dear Seeker of Success In my 33+ years of teaching Speed Seduction®, what are the biggest factors I’ve seen holding guys back? I’d say: 1) Caring too much 2) Daring too little Now, let me be clear: my “caring” I don’t mean it’s a bad thing to have respect for women. I think that’s actually […]
Dear Seeker of Success, This video is a clip from one of my live seminars. [HTML1] As you watch it, you’ll probably easily recognize that I love teaching life changing information that touches minds in a whole new way. This clip is about getting the right frame of mind for success with women. Enjoy and […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Are you now getting, or have you ever gotten, pushback from a female interest that goes something like this: “Wow, I want to get involved but I think you’re just going to leave me hurt” or “You’re something, but I don’t think I could live up to you.” Is she intimidated […]