Thu, Mar 06, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Do you stop the Sarge too early? Was she giving you THIS look – yet you threw in the towel? Do you interpret (or choose to interpret) a woman’s seeming disinterest as a cue to Exit, Stage Left without even going through with the audition? Does one Sarge gone bad sabotage […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Sorry if I didn’t see you on my first Speed Seduction® “Brain Dump” webinar. Maybe that’s a good thing – because it really riled up the live viewers and got them good and pissed off at how the dating game is DESIGNED to screw you over. Now, in future webinars we […]
Dear Seeker of Success, I’ve heard the objection many times. Some people say that the girl-getting patterns and phrases I teach smart guys to use when getting a woman irresistibly aroused are so obvious that chances are, the guy will get “busted” and “shot down.” Like, the use of emphasis and nonverbal cues that I […]