Thu, Mar 06, 2025
Dear Seeker Of Success, In my 29-year history of teaching guys to have more success with women than they ever thought possible, one thing I hear over and over is this: “Things seemed to be going well until she said she had a boyfriend”. Now, if had a nickel for every woman I’ve slept with […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In all areas of life, a key ingredient to success, whatever your definition of that word, is persistence. Now let’s say you’re persistent, but something keeps going persistently wrong? Or, looking at it another way, if something is persistently tripping you up or blocking you from claiming your results? Let’s hear […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A major challenge facing almost every smart man comes, at one point or another on his Seduction journey, when he is interested in a particular hottie who “runs hot and cold.” One minute she’s all excited about getting together (giving you a chance to get her all hot and bothered and […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Previously, I shared with you a way to leverage your way out of the “cold shower loop” by changing what you focus on. My point was: look at what’s happening in other areas of your life that might be stopping you or tripping you up. Now, another form of leverage comes […]