Fri, Mar 07, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Should you find yourself all jumbled up, relax if you can. Three things: You are not a “thing” called a self but an ever-changing flow of activity. The benefit? You can find some distance and some peace in any and every situation. The world “outside” is really not separate from the […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In my 25+ years of teaching smart men like you how to get the results you want with the women you desire, I’ve found when people are stuck, their natural tendency is to push harder within the system they are using. That seldom works. When I want to help people change, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Pretty much every woman, regardless of her position on the HB scale, is probably at some stage of “seeing someone” or at very least, is no more than a couple phone dials away from an on-demand booty call. That doesn’t make it any less annoying when she says she’s “seeing someone”, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, When you Sarge on the amazing, incredibly sexy women in your world, the goal is to succeed with as many women as possible who meet your standards, based on the screening tools that you use to interpret the feedback they give you. Like I’ve said: it’s a matter of interpretation. I […]