Sun, Mar 09, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Recently, I delved into how to handle it when a woman cancels a meeting or date and gives an “excuse” – especially when it happens through a text message. Even skilled Seduction masters run up against this from time to time – it’s a challenge almost every guy faces. Sometimes, this […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Have you ever found yourself shying away from a Sarge because you worried that she won’t find you attractive? Well, when you “hold back” out of fear that she will shoot you down over your looks, then you’re ripping two people off: HER, because you’re not giving HER the chance to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, There is only one sure thing in this world: the fact that there is no such thing as a “sure thing.” Part of mastering your girl-getting game is gaining comfort with, and mastery of, the unknown. Here’s an example of what might set things off… You just spent an awesome evening […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Today, I am pretty tired. I’m not only tired but I look pretty unkempt: haven’t shaved, combed my hair, and am wearing sweats and sandals. You know what that means, dontcha? Perfect Time To Pick Up Women! So earlier today, I’m in the Walgreen’s, and I had an opportunity to demonstrate […]