Mon, Mar 10, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, The easiest thing you can possibly do is sit on your ass and let things go on as they are. Yeah, you might have a miserable life, out of shape, bad health, need a haircut really bad, no women, no nookie, no Giggity Giggity Goo. But there’s no risk. You can […]
Dear Seeker of Success, One of my great students who saw Speed Seduction® The New Code: The Next Generation asked my thoughts on how much he would have to practice each week in order to internalize the language patterns in the collection I share inside the course within, say, the first month. First of all: […]
Dear Seeker of Success, It’s one thing to have a woman in your arms on the dance floor.  It’s another thing when it’s a sexytime dance with some movin’ and groovin’ especially if that leads to doin’. It’s yet another thing entirely to get that delicious dancer OFF the dance floor and onto the next […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Look: I know FIRSTHAND that success with women can seem like a struggle. It’s easy to feel defeated and alone. I was there once. Back in 1988, I was frustrated, pissed off, depressed, and at wits end. Memories of my college years, when I would desperately supplicate to a woman by […]