Mon, Mar 10, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Someone told me that if he’s introduced to women at a party he can talk to them, no problem. But if he has to make an approach to a woman anywhere else, he doesn’t feel that he has “permission” to talk. That struck me as saying when you think of “approaching“, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Ever felt a complete collapse of energy when you don’t achieve the results you wanted? Particularly when you make your move with a woman and she shuts you down cold? Some students who have experienced this say it gets to the point where they can almost see the future – they […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In an earlier post, we saw how many guys are less afraid of an armed mugger planning to steal a woman’s purse, than they are of the woman herself. Let me ask you something else. What was that beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous girl wearing the day she was born? What were YOU […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Whether they realize it or not, the #1 thing stopping men from approaching women is approach anxiety caused by fear of rejection. It starts in the sixth grade when Bitchy Barbara publicly makes fun of the note Johnny passes her in class, reading it aloud at recess and such while everyone […]