Tue, Mar 11, 2025
Seduction Journals, And Affirmations That Stand The Test Of Time
Dear Seeker of Success, Are you writing this s@%t down? Seriously… are you keeping journals to help you chart your progress from Average Frustrated Chump (AFC) to powerful master of your girl-getting game who confidently approaches, attracts, and succeeds with women who you truly desire? Many times, I give students the assignment of keeping two […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Women are dynamic, living and shifting systems that are always, constantly changing. That’s what makes them loads of fun – but also something of a challenge in order to get them. It’s not that they don’t make sense. It’s that they’re nonlinear. They don’t necessarily follow a step-by-step and one, two, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Being able to succeed with women has everything to do with being in the right state of mind. In the right state of mind, you can even flub up your execution of your game plan and still have the woman leaping into your bed. With the wrong state of mind, even […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Over and over again, after I “debrief” the women I’ve slept with, they’ve told me that the first thing that got them turned on…. ….was my voice. Over the years, many of you have asked (even begged) me to tell you the secrets of how to develop the kind of voice […]