Mon, Feb 24, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, In addition to being the Guru of Getting Some, the Chairman of the Broads, did you know I also cure colds? Watch this short video clip (taken from a previous Speed Seduction® seminar). And again, sound off in the comments section. Peace, RJ P.S. See how pattern interrupts and boyfriend destroyers […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Forget the “dirty old man” spiel that, per the Romance Racketeers, is supposed to mean we should only go for what the Racketeers call “age-appropriate” women (meaning, the exact same age as you). Let’s bring out the “dirty young woman” who’s not going to let YOU GIVE “NO” for an answer. […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Sarging, like sales, is a “numbers game.” Sometimes she will tell you “no” even when you thought she was definitely going to bang you. Sometimes she flakes. Sometimes she ghosts. Sometimes she wastes your time that, had you known, you could have more productively spent Sarging on her even hotter roommate. […]
Dear Seeker of Success, As I continue working on my notes for my last-ever (possibly) Speed Seduction® Seminar, I’ve added something awesome you can use. Since I have so much great stuff you could learn with me there should you ENROLL NOW, I can afford to share this one for free. It’s power-packed. It’s dynamite. […]