Wed, Jan 22, 2025
"Saves The Sarge" When She Catches You In The Act!
Dear Seeker of Success, I’ve heard the objection many times. Some people say that the girl-getting patterns and phrases I teach smart guys to use when getting a woman irresistibly aroused are so obvious that chances are, the guy will get “busted” and “shot down.” Like, the use of emphasis and nonverbal cues that I […]
[RANT] The Path Of Least Sargy Resistance That Gets You More Women!
Dear Seeker of Success, There are some scenarios that can (seemingly) put the kibosh on Sarging… …even if you are skilled at approaching a group of women, approaching a group of people, or have made approaching women as they go about life part of who you are and what you do. You’re at a wedding […]
What Does "Acceptance" Have To Do With Getting Laid?
Dear Seeker of Success, A major theme that rears its ugly head in almost any discussion on seduction is the concern about looking “too eager” or approaching a woman with the vibe that how your day turns out depends on how she responds to you right now. Act TOO eager and she’ll think you’re desperate […]
Get HER To Tell YOU How Attractive She Is!
Dear Seeker of Success Complimenting a woman or otherwise telling her she’s attractive creates a serious risk of it backfiring in your face. What if she doesn’t believe it? Then you lose credibility with her. What if she doesn’t think you should be saying it? Then you’ve got more work to do that could have […]