Dear Seeker of Success, My teacher, Shinzen Young, said, “If you can’t be disciplined, be smart.” If you know you can’t be disciplined to do a practice, commit yourself in some other way. Let me give you an example.
Dear Seeker of Success, What you ask a woman is as important as HOW. Are you demonstrating genuine consideration, or conducting an interrogation? [HTML1] Peace, RJ P.S. This video is ripped straight out of our Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection, which contains 175+ laser-focused girl-getting videos, and much more. Think of it as your “Ross […]
Dear Seeker of Success, If I told you there was a rule that applied to approaching, meeting, and seducing women that totally set you free to relax and have fun with even the hottest women, from start to finish; from the initial opening approach all the way to having your way with her… …approximately 99 […]
Dear Seeker of Success, If you’re on a Sarge, a meet, or (gasp) a “date” and you see her reaching for her i(don’t-actually-answer-the)Phone or Ambored (aka Android), maybe you are saying the wrong thing: [HTML1] Peace, RJ