Sat, Mar 15, 2025
From "Let's Be Friends" To Mad Make Out!
Dear Speed Seduction® Students, The other day, someone on my member’s only Yahoo group posted something quite interesting. He had met a woman on-line and they had gone out on a “date”(Something I usually warn against: remember with Speed Seduction®, dating is for women you are already sleeping with! So much for “dating tips” and […]
Think Like A Champ, Not Like A Chump: Up To Speed Part III
Guys, This one is SOOO good, I’ll just let it speak for itself. Please spread the link around: everyone needs to see this Peace and piece, RJ “Get me as your master teacher, coach, and advisor for just $1”
It's NEVER About Where You Take Her Or What You Say: Up To Speed Part II
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, After two weeks of technical issues, I’m back in the video posting biz. So here is part II, of Module 1: Getting Up To Speed With Speed Seduction(R). In this module I talk about what you MUST avoid, if you are going to enjoy success with women. What REALLY works, as […]
My E-piss-temology Beats Your Ass-umptions, And I Get Laid More Too!
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, One of the most common questions I get when I do a radio interview is, “Will that really work on a girl? It doesn’t seem like it will work?” My response is not what the questioner expects.  I almost always say, “How do you propose to know?  What is your method […]