Fri, Mar 14, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Yesterday, in the “Ask Me Anything” call for my Elite Mastermind and Coaching program, a student came up with an interesting question. Here’s the scoop: He said that at times, when he went out to meet women, he would feel great discomfort and when he did, he would freeze.
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Mastering the skills for approaching and seducing the women you truly desire can be achieved with the right tools and knowledge on your side and in your corner. But with all the BS social programming going on via the dreck spewed out by the “romance industry,” small wonder many smart men […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In our recent post, I briefly touched on… touch… as a way of hooking a woman’s attention during your first conversation. We were going to delve into “imagination” next in this sequence, but…some folks on our mailing list wrote to me asking for examples and demos of touch. We’ve covered this […]
Dear Seeker of Success, How can you project more sexual things without projecting horniness? Sexual is “I love f***ing. I’m a sexual person.” Horny is “Oh my god! I want to f*** you.” The difference is between being sexual, vs. being aroused in the moment. It’s the distinction between being hungry, vs/ and drooling over […]