Thu, Mar 06, 2025
Do You Have To Pay For Her Drink If She Asks?
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, All things aside, are you, as the gentleman, still obligated to pay for the lady’s drink? Let’s dig into this. So you’re at a social with a cash bar (and you can run a tab).  You’re just having fun, being playful, chatting up different women.  Then, you focus in on one […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, Many of my students have heard a permeation of the following: “Women will have sex on the third date, but will not decide if they love him for another six months or so, because they believe love takes time.” Maybe there’s variance in how many “dates” before the woman […]
How You "Show Up" Truly Attractive
Dear Speed Seduction® Masters-In-Training, Society has taught us that we need certain things, such as status, looks, and money, to be considered “attractive”.  But who really benefits when we believe this? Click the Play button to watch this video, then leave a comment to tell me what you think… showinguptrulyattractive1 Peace and piece, RJ P.S. […]
He Who Dates, Masturbates
Dear Speed Seduction® Masters In Training, I really want to keep up the conversation about how our language around “dating” keeps us “dating” our hands. So here is another clip for you.  I hope it gets you thinking. Please give me your feedback and comments. technicalvocabularlyofdating1 Peace and piece, RJ P.S.  “Dating language” is often […]