Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, When a woman puts physical distance between you two on the couch, or pulls back just when you think you two are close to “it’s on”, it could be a couple different things. Watch this “Ross Plays With Girls” demo where I explain (this is inside the “New Playing Field” video […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Inside the soon-to-be-released New Code video collection, we extensively cover: a) how to succeed with younger women, and b) how to sexualize your voice, including demos you can follow at home. For both these reasons, watch this clip now: Peace, RJ P.S. As you’ll see tomorrow, I’ve literally just today decided […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A “sneak peek” of the “New Code” video collection – the 10 Sargy Commandments.  Watch this video and then leave your comments and thoughts below. Pay particular attention to the commandment about “theming” hot women. Peace, RJ