Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
In the last installment of this series, I spoke about the fatal error of setting your sights too low; of engaging in diminishing and deluding, instead of reaching for your vision of the kinds of women who would bring you crazy joy and satisfaction, filling your heart and thrilling your dick.
In this issue, I’d like to talk about…
Fatal Mistake #6: Chasing, Not Choosing
Much of what I teach involves paradox; ideas that seem to go against common sense, but that really contain breakthrough insights.
One of these ideas that seems to fly in the face of common sense is this: the more selective a man is when it comes to women, the greater selection he will have.
Now, I know at first this may seem a bit nuts: how could being willing to reject, and even actually rejecting women lead to having more women to select?
Well, it works like this: when you have actual standards for women and screen and select based on them, it makes you far more attractive than guys who will put up with crap, settle for second(or even third or fourth) best or compromise on self-respect to get a bit of poon.
Having standards, screening and selecting makes you much more attractive than he kinds of guys who act so eager to please or so grateful for any positive attention that they sicken women and drive them away.
Listen: women enjoy feeling challenged, and a guy with standards who is screening and selecting is a big challenge; he is setting the frame that he is the one who needs to be convinced, and that women must work for his favor.
(Don’t worry: I assure you that this can be done WITHOUT being a jerk, a-hole, bad boy or bad guy. I’ll show you how)
Just as importantly, when it comes to very beautiful women, we should stop to consider the trust issue: beautiful women are so used to be being bullshitted and lied to, that guys who come across as too agreeable just aren’t viewed as trustworthy.
When a woman gets out of line, acts flakey, mood, or disrespectful, and you don’t call her on it, she not only thinks of you as weak, she thinks of you as dishonest. Any honest guy would come right out and tell her that he is pissed off and that he won’t put up with her nonsense.
The Real Truth About Women And “Nice Guys” Revealed
It’s not that women dislike “nice guys” because they are boring or weak(although that is also true).
Women dislike nice guys because they don’t fucking trust them. And rightly so, because the the nice guy is hiding and withholding the honesty of his disagreement, his displeasure and even his anger.
So when you do stick to your standards and call a woman on her BS it actually first and foremost creates trust in your communication. Then and only then does the strength of your stance reassure and attract her.
Consistently exercising the 3 S’s throughout the relationship as well as the pick-up enables you to enjoy pro-active leadership, instead of reactive drama.
More women. Better looking and better acting. Less work. More fun.
What more could you want?
I can teach you how to have all this and more.
Just have a look right here.