Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student,
If you haven’t yet seen the new movie Watchmen, based on the 1986 comic series by Alan Moore, get up off your ass and see it.
Well, not only is it a pretty faithful movie adaption of the only comic to win a Hugo Award-Science Fiction’s highest honor-but it also stars one of the hottest Swedish imports since SAAB introduced the 900 SE Turbo: Malin Akerman.
Now, other than getting some great search engine results by talking about Malin Akerman naked and totally nude, I want to make a real point here, a point I’ve been making for almost 20 years of teaching men to get hot women without bullying, begging, buying BS or booze:
Beautiful Women Put Men Into Altered States Of Consciousness!
Do you doubt this is true? Look, let’s try an experiment:
Suppose I offered you $100 if you could correctly name 5 US Presidents within 30 seconds. Chances are you could do it.
Now let’s alter the conditions a bit. This time, standing in front of you, is Malin Akerman, naked. Bookey butt nude. She’s looking at you with those piercing and beautiful blue Swedish eyes, licking her lips, and begins to moan as she touches herself.
Excuse me a minute…I’ll be back as soon as I take care of something growing in my pants.
Ah…much better. So, anyway, I’ll bet you dollars to dildos you could probably blurt out “Clinton, Obama…gah gah gah OM MY GOD”.
So here is the thing: the first thing to do if you get Malin Akerman naked is quite simple: call me in for backup.
Seriously, the first thing you ought to do with any hot woman is to have your state under control.
And here is a point you really need to get: contrary to what you might think, the thing that needs to be controlled is NOT fear.
It is almost always the lust-the raw excitement in your body-that is the issue.
Trying to think straight when every nerve ending is firing off at the prospect of mating with a smoking hot naked Swedish movie star model like Malin Akerman(wow, my Search Engine Optimization team is creaming themselves over this post with all the keywords: sorry dear readers) is like pumping 5 million watts through a 100 watt bulb.
So here is the thing: tommorrow, on the blog, I will post a short video I am going to specially record, showing you something you can do(no joke, for real) that will instantly calm you down, ground the lust down to a reasonable level, and actually let you stay in charge of yourself as you proceed to successfully seduce Malin Akerman naked and totally nude!
Watch for it tomorrow.
Peace and piece,
P.S. If you are around tonight, Monday, March 9, at 7PM Pacific time jump on my Ustream TV channel and watch me live as I conduct one of my twice monthly Ask Me Anything Coaching Calls with my elite seduction coaching club members.
My Ustream channel is:
The First Thing To Do If You Get Malin Akerman Naked Totally Nude | Ross Jeffries Uncensored…
Ross Jeffries points out that beautiful women put men in altered states of consciousness. So the first thing to do if you were to get Malin Akerman naked would be to have your STATE under control, NOT your fear. By controlling your state, you will co…
The First Thing To Do If You Get Malin Akerman…
Ross Jeffries points out that beautiful women put men in altered states of consciousness. So the first thing to do if you were to get Malin Akerman naked would be to have your STATE under control, NOT your fear. By controlling your state, you will co…
The First Thing To Do If You Get Malin Akerman…
Ross Jeffries points out that beautiful women put men in altered states of consciousness. So the first thing to do if you were to get Malin Akerman naked would be to have your STATE under control, NOT your fear. By controlling your state, you will co…
Ross, your system is brilliant and first one I learned. Controlling states is essential, not only to control your own fear, but also to elicit beneficial states in women. Right now I’ve gone from a PUA to an AFC and am returning to a PUA. Got to get over my fear of opening and I’ll be fine. Thanks for the info, Ross. Be well.
State management is important because it affect
our conscious thinking thus our action.
The best performing athletes pump themselves
with various kinds of ‘ritual’ to get them in the
Same goes to us PUA.
Yeah I think even my state control would fail under these circumstances, hope what you post is your usual gold
Ross, this is the guy who used the “Pearls before swine” comment during your video lecture tonight. I name myself “Mithra”. As a former student, I’d like to learn from you again. Anyhow, keep up the good work. Move forward.
Best idea is to join the coaching program:
And get the new 3.0 course:
I had this problem once and i found myself overcoming this by just talking to strange women about nonsense or just topical sunjects at every given opportunity and i started to wear a stupid smile that only tom cruise could get away with, my fear of women regardless what she looked like subsided and i stopped being self conscious and self critical, i then kicked it up a notch and challenged myself to make a girl laugh especially ‘hot’ girls, i then found ‘fear’ had rapidly become something fun to do even when i got shot down. Massive realisations about how hb’s being difficult and snobby soon evaporated and i found them far easier than i could have imagined in getting closer to.
What’s the big deal about Malin Akerman? If I got her naked, I’d probably just tell her to have a nice day.