This one is SOOO good, I’ll just let it speak for itself. Please spread the link around: everyone needs to see this
Peace and piece,
“Get me as your master teacher, coach, and advisor for just $1
This one is SOOO good, I’ll just let it speak for itself. Please spread the link around: everyone needs to see this
Peace and piece,
“Get me as your master teacher, coach, and advisor for just $1
Behavior always flows from underlying beliefs… that’s a great point, although changing those beliefs and mindsets can sometimes be easier said than done.
Thank heavens I’m not in AFC state anymore. The analogy was good… dropping the sword before going into battle. In retrospect, it really was a nightmare, having no choice with women. With my new mindset, and skillset especially, it’s a whole lot… easier. I don’t have to kiss a woman’s ass in hopes of getting inside her panties months and months later.
At the risk of sounding arrogant and careless, Its almost become a habit of turning down girls requests to hang out when at one point I would kiss their ass for approval… or gobbling down the fetch bones they offer. Im truthfully thankful that I came accross these highly valued teachings…
Way to go Ross!!!
Think Like A Champ, Not Like A Chump!…
STOP thinking and acting like a chump! Reject the accepted
beliefs that you have to ask her out on a date, get her phone number, act like a beggar, or HOPE that you’ll “get lucky”.
Speed Seduction(r) teaches you to “act like a Champ”, and
I need to share that studying seduction was the tip of the iceberg. It got me to know MYSELF first and realize the areas i needed to work on. I feel sorry for people who don’t self improve, or look at you (me) weird when they see books in my house (oh my god! books!?!). Everything boils down to confidence. Seduction, business, persuasion…all of it. The best part is, girls will TELL you this! “what do you find most attractive?” number one answer, confidence….but when you’re still in AFC land it’s easy to mistake confidence for arrogance…just beware of that.
Good stuff! I like the airplane analogy! Makes perfect sense.
I used to chase “the end result” (sex for those of you who didnt get that) and never got the girls i WANTED and ended up settling for that 7 over there. Now…i really don’t care. Sex just happens, im not chasing it anymore, and I have more girls i could call up at any given time than ever.
The weird part is when you originally were not a leader, and people start looking to you as their leader, their decision maker. “what’re we doing toinght?” that kind of stuff…and then you realize that you’ve actually become what you were striving for…that’s the stuff dreams are made of my friends.
listen to ross and visit his site. You have the choice…change your life or just keep repeating the failures you’ve already had.
Yes, Ross, what you say all makes sense. Thank you.
Thanks Ross for pointing out we’ve been conned! I hadn’t thought of it in that way.
Hey Texan,
Thanks for your post. Question for you brother…how did you change from “kiss their ass for approval” to “turning down girls”? I’m trying to go through that journey of transformation. I would appreciate your input…my email is nrampat@gmail.com
Great stuff Ross!!
Yeah… I really wonder why this form of thinking (dating) is so prevalent? Actually I have a theory: It’s probably just a reflection of the general culture’s philosophy. Like still many people today believe that success and happiness is still all just a matter of luck and outside their control. If anything it is determined from the whim of some unknowable, supernatural force.
Come to think of it, this makes sense actually… I mean most of humanity’s history wasn’t pretty at all and that really was the case — oppressive governments coercing people on what they could and could not do. And at times when you got a “lucky” approbation from the tyranical monarch, yeah…. that person would feel relieved and like they were granted something really, really, really special that no one else ever gets. Ever.
Growing out of this kind of thinking (which I probably got from everyday bromides and the tv) during adolescense has allowed me to “see the bigger picture” and feel unbelievably certain at the results I’m getting. It’s no longer supernatural — just normal and “down-to-earth”.
Thanks, Ross! 🙂
P.S. Yeah, I totally see how NLP and stuff inspired you in the field of seduction. I am taking a formal course on it now and it’s really, really interesting!
P.P.S. Oh, I got those Hypnosis CD’s! So we’re ok on that issue. 😉
love the video Im in the process of transforming myself from AFC to a champ. Im sick and tired of these traditional pedagogys and presuppositions. I have stopped listening to my friends and popular culture and striving each and every day to grow. and for starters i will not be asking for the phone numbers or trying to get women to dance with me so I can later get in their pants.
Yeah, dating’s a cash cow for a lot of businesses…and you know why? Because people are considered social pariahs for going places (restaurants, movies, etc) by themselves, even though it’s their perfect right to, and they save $$ by doing it.
Call me crazy, but I still like taking girls out. The right girl adds flair & fun to a lot of activities, and a ‘hot’ one will crank your ego all the while (unless Ross shows up and swoops in on her)…and I might be an anomaly in the fact that I normally score on the 1st date anyway. However, Ross is right when he says ‘dating is for girls you’re already having sex with’.
I would suggest getting the ‘Entertainment Card’ that a lot of big cities offer; it’s all ‘buy one/get one’, so you technically date for FREE (don’t tell the girl you’re using the card, though). Otherwise, a trip to the beach, a game of pool, bowling (’cause you get to see the girls bend over a lot!) are all fun, very inexpensive and underrated…SCREW the movies, you can’t have a conversation & there’s a barrier between you & the girl.
Perhaps the best ‘date’ is a home-cooked meal at your place, ending with a softcore sex comedy and a massage, followed by Oh God Yes Don’t Stop.
Just my two cents…Keep ’em COMING, Ross!
Best, K.K.
Actually I personally still ask for phone numbers and I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with it. A phone number is just a phone number. It’s not like it’s a guarantee direct ticket to her p00n. 😉
Sometimes e-mail or social networking sites is more useful to get though than a phone number. All depends.