Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
“Linkage” is using gestures to make sure that the great states we create in women through the Sarging process are linked to us.
Watch this video where I expound in greater detail:
Peace and piece,
P.S. This video is just one of four laser-focused video lessons that members of our Coaching Program receive, each and every month. That’s where you’ll find “Part 2” of this lesson. Click here to give it a test-drive for just $1 USD.
P.P.S. The content of the video comes mostly from one of our recent live seminars. Imagine having a front-row seat to three full days of this kind of teaching. Our very last live seminar for 2011 is in Montreal in just a few weeks – click here to claim your seat now!
WOW! that was a great video, you dont stop giving us presents,
and a ver high quality presents!
The information you give us is like pure gold.
Hey Ross,
Even though I have just one of your fantastic products, NYIG I’m pretty much an observer on the periphery of SS. However I have a fear around SS. If we learn these techniques, don’t we become completely dependent on them for life? I mean say we pull a girl in a few hours, and she happens to be a great person too with whom we may like companionship. But if we have to keep running patterns on her for life to keep her interested in us, isn’t it too much hard work and change? I mean does SS promise more than just getting laid? I’m from India and we don’t have such a forward culture sexually, so I don’t think much of it if I don’t get laid very soon, but I do care a heck lot about builidng a great connection with a girl. I want her to remember me as a great guy more than just a great lover. I want her to genuinely trust me. I want to be a man to her in every sense of the word. Notwithstanding, some silly approach lines David D answers this well with topics like maturity and manhood and I have never seen you address these. I do think these are important topics. Do you think you might be missing something?
PS Thanks again for NYIG! Even my mother is your fan and does the detangling/transmuting exercises, and as for me its working like a charm. But I just thought you might want to think about addressing the topic of mature manhood and thinking long term perhaps.
Well, SS isn’t just or even mostly about “techniques”. It’s about a profound set of understandings about how women work and a profound set of tools for personal change and freedom. How can bringing that forward into a relationship NOT be good, useful and of great value?
So…that’s my first answer: looking at it beyond “techniques”.
There is no contradiction between any of this and building trust and being a “man”, which, to me, by the way, means exploring the ever shifting balance between adoration and aggression, devotion and dominance. Only SS gives you a good clean SHOT at this, and even then you are going to stumble, skin your knees and have to sometimes start from scratch.
David D may give the IMITATION of under standing manhood and maturity, but then again, we have lots of imitation wax fruit in my condo building lobby. Looks great, like the real thing but you can’t even chew it, much less taste and enjoy.
Glad you love the NYIG program. Keep up the practice. Detangle, experience, transmute. Pain into passion, sorrow into solutions, stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Great video Ross. Rheo, take heart. I’m 53 and have gotten more than my share of women in the past year, the ones I may want to marry. Just be yourself and use what Ross has said to attract the kind of woman you want.
One of the great things RJ teaches you is calibration. You can use calibration for more than one purpose, as you can listen closely, observe body language, and connect with energy fields of women to find her emotions and anchors you can use to win her company. Yet calibration can also be used to selectively see whether you want her at all. Calibration combines with INTENT to gather real gems to you. The prime question behind INTENT is “What do I really want in a female to make me happy (and her too!) This can be for short-term and just getting laid, but it become extremely important in longer-term relationships. The first thing is this selectivity for those you really want to possibly stay with.
Do you want playful, adventurous, passionate, affectionate, out-for-fun, desiring of closeness, etc? You usually find out through exploration. That’s why RJ says,” even then, you are going to stumble, skin your knees and have to sometimes start from scratch.”
Dear Ross,
Thank you for helping me understand. Just wanted to let you know that I can now consciously see the power of enery and vibe. I don’t think when your energy and vibe are off-key you can produce anything worthwhile. In fact if I recall correctly in the past I just knew about Silva’s exercises and whenever I went out to meet women (before I knew anything about the community) I’d just get to Alpha and visualize a favourable outcome. And then automatically things started to happen. That girl still wants to marry me. And what strikes me is that your unstobbale confidence exercises are similar to what I used to do! Energy/Vibe alone can be so attractive. I’m pretty amazed actually. So what do you suggest for young men Ross? Besides teaching them seduction I think you are pretty qualified to teach them how to make the most out of life itself! Or maybe you already have (I haven’t seen any of your other programs except NYIG) But its always a pleasure to listen to you. Are you planning to do any seminars in India in the future? I see that you value the teachings of Hindu culture and if you are ever here it would be a pleasure to show you around. Wish you all the very best for the Montreal Seminar.
PS Also if you could cover a newsletter about tests. You once said even an ambivalent behaviour from a woman is a test. And you said meet it with a willingness to walk away from her. I did that once and my x gf (who was amazed at how calm I was was suddenly surprised why I was so reactive) On hindsight I thought I should have been more understanding (vibe 3) but instead I blew my top off! And then Niel Strauss in his book “The Game” says if you interpret every negative thing that a woman says and does as a does, maybe you are becoming a social robot! The whole tests thing is very confusing. Before the concept of “tetsts” things were pretty ok, but now its like an anxiety that I might misunderstand and overreact etc. Just felt it might be a good topic to address.