Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
When you break through the blocks and barriers that have held you back – with women and in other areas of your life as well – you’ll be amazed how the up until now “unthinkable” will suddenly become the “reality.”
A student of mine who purchased my Nail Your Inner Game course reported:
> I worked at first mainly on old stories, sometimes transmutting
> patterns that affected me during years. I immediatly felt the huge
> amount of energy that was released by the process. And almost
> immediatly I witnessed a change in the attitude of women toward me
> (without me doing anything). For example I had that waitress, that I
> knew for some time and was always a bit cold with me, walk to me in a
> club and say “hi, how are you” while rubbing her body against mine…
For those of you who have yet to MAKE THE DECISION to GET THIS PROGRAM, some explanation may be in order.
One of the things I designed NYIG to do is to interrupt the process whereby guys quite unknowingly continuously “reinfect” themselves with old limitations, old ways of thinking, old patterns of intepreting events, etc.
A big part of this is the process of constantly dwelling on mistakes with women; chewing on them over and over and over again trying to extract some information or learning.
The challenge is, this process actually REHEARSES the very stuff you are dwelling on, thus virtually guaranteeing that the same patterns of thinking, acting, feeling and responding will emerge when you step out into the world of women and try to do something new.
The brain works on repetition and rehearsal. So if you keep repeating the rehearsal(which is what you are ACTUALLY doing when you dwell on mistakes) you keep getting the same shitty behaviors, thinking, responses, feelings and interpretation of events.
Note that I keep mentioning “interpretation of events”.
Here is what I mean:
When you are trying to apply a new technology in an area of life that has been very challenging, often the results are not going to be 100% failures or 100% successes either.
You may try something, and some of it seems to work, some of it doesn’t.
For example, you open up the girl, she seems interested, you get her number, but she never calls back.
Or you can see she’s fascinated with you, but you can’t move forward/don’t know how to use that response or where to go next.
Now, the trick here is that if you don’t train your mind to extract the learning and to interpret events in a useful way, it’s easy to go back to all the old ways of thinking that say that you are a failure, can’t make things work etc.
So NYIG shows you how to:
- Stop this process of constantly dwelling on mistakes.
- Stop the process of constantly telling yourself the story of your limitations and instead tell yourself the story of your POSSIBILITY.
- Extract maximum accurate learning and useful interpretation from every situation.
Doing this changes your vibe powerfully as you are no longer pulling yourself in two directions.
Now, that sure beats a poke in the eye!
Peace and piece,
P.S. Think about this. If it really is true and this tech shows you how to go from stuck and ruminating to effective action in the field, and to do it VERY quickly-in hours or days-what will it allow you to do and what will your progress and pleasure look like in a few months from today, looking back on the decision NOW to get this program?
I LOVE you NYIG program. I still use it weekly and have found it easily applicable to all areas of my life. The person I used to be seem a whole lifetime apart.
I have a coworker who uses journaling as a form of therapy. I have told her that it seems like you keep laying the same bricks thus creating the same wall(credit Ross). I can see that she at least thinks about it. Is there anyhing she can add to her journaling as to direct her mind to a more resourceful place?
Thank you,
I had similar results when I started using the Inner Game material just over a year ago and I’m still getting a lot of millage of it. Extracting the learning has become second nature and good thing, because it’s been a year of fairly continuous change and development and still…
Tonight I was feeling ‘connected’ and decided to stop at the mall for a quick walk about. Walking through the parking lot an HB8+ maybe stepped out in front of me, perfume strong enough I could smell it 10 feet away. Something to comment on, but had a full on flight or fight response, constriction in chest and labored breathing (that’s probably entangled with something else besides FF). Instead of resisting (which would be pointless anyway) or trying to change it in any way, I just said, “Good,” finally an opportunity to get a really good representation of it so I can work with it later.
This is pretty much standard NLP. Sports stars who use creative visualisation don’t do replays in their mind of past failures. They imagine the ball going perfectly. You get more of what you focus on as numerous NLP experts will tell you. This is how NLP obliterates freudian mumbo jumbo. With freud you rake over the past, and set up more failure. On purpose I don’r give freud a capital letter as an insult to one of the most poison human beings who ever lived.