Dear Seeker of Success,
Most guys have gotten what’s known in some circles as “the gesture” from a hot chick.
You approach her, and before you get in two words, she makes this “waving-off” hand gesture like you’re a bug who’s swarming around her.

The worst part is she doesn’t even have the decency to use words, as if you’re not worthy of even that much.
That feels like she just kicked you in the groin, except you feel it… all over!
Listen: having a really attractive woman be disrespectful to a guy she thinks is going to hit on her isn’t exactly a new concept. We’ve all been there.
Typically, guys are expected to be able to act like it’s no big deal or laugh it off, chalk it up as “her loss”, and move on. Most guys, because this is what’s expected of them, try to do this.
The problem is that it doesn’t work.
Why Getting Dissed Is No “Laughing Matter” …
And How To Kick Those Pangs Of Pain In The Jewels
And Get Your Chuckles Back
Being “dissed” triggers your threat response. It’s instinctive (meaning it’s NATURAL) and it happens faster than your cognitive brain can process the information and say “whoa there, Buckaroo, she’s just a random chick, don’t get your boxers all twisted there, pal!”
Furthermore, if it’s an extremely attractive woman who disses you, you also experience a loss of esteem, like maybe you’re not the stud you imagine yourself to be. This leads to emotional pain.
Trying to laugh it off and/or brush it off causes you to suppress your feelings. This builds pressure over time. With each new insult from an attractive woman you react to ALL the previous insults as well.
You can’t be expected to come up with an effective response to a single incident if your subconscious is reacting to every past incident.
Look: you may be scoring with the ladies left and right. A student of mine tells me he had just gotten laid by two different women on two consecutive days and now has them both calling wanting to see him again.

…this other prima-donna stuck-up b%$&h waved him off like he wasn’t even human, and now he’s REALLY mad, and hurt.
So, as you look at how your anger and hurt at being dissed is boiling up within YOURSELF, ask yourself:
- What could you begin to add to it to balance your reaction to getting “dissed”?
- What about properly applying a sense of humor to the situation?
- Could you form new beliefs that you can use to respond differently?
Get these questions answered, and soon you’ll find that instead of pretending it’s “no big deal,” you’ll have a mechanism for how to properly deal with it.
And that sure beats a poke in the eye (and your pride!)
P.S. Inside the New Code, discover how to use the power of metaphor and gain the quiet and calm charisma of the person who writes his own life’s story.
This ability and power will make women desire you, and make men admire and want to follow you.
Next time she waves her hand at like you like She-Devil, you’ll have a new set of reactions that will keep your pressure-cooker on low simmer and redirect your energy toward meeting women who will “gesture” for more enjoyable, exciting things with you.
That’s deep thinking, Ross. Thanks.
I’m just starting out to be a guru one day so let me just try to answer them
1.What could you begin to add to it to balance your reaction to getting “dissed”?
That’s really unattractive, sometimes your behaviour towards other people needs to match with your sense of style and ur politeness…or if your not, don’t show ur ugliness
2.What about properly applying a sense of humor to the situation?
Wow your beautiful lips doesn’t really match with what ur lips are sayin/doin to me
Awesome shares. Nice work!
I remember someone that had gave me “the hand” along with “ppppsssshhhhh!” three times. She also made a grimace throughout. This was in the local shopping centre. I held my good state (it wasnt easy I could feel her objection on my face and chest with my heart pounding and my blood rushing) and told her to relax, just relax as I turned my hand up. Eventually the bad feelings I was supposed to feel was being felt by her and after a few seconds I was fine. There was “residue effect”, I continued on. I would say due to plenty of sarges I responded very differently to my first ever sarge.
Another time, I was at the train station which was crowded at midday and I sarged. That girl seemed disgusted and uttered “I dont have any spare change”. In that moment reacted by saying “I am not asking for spare change…. what is wrong with you!?” she changed her tune very fast and talked in that sweet girly voice “thats alright”
I now enjoy a great girlfriend who is very responsive to me. I sarged her as she was going in the opposite direction in the local centre shrouded by the presence of people in front of her. She had objected by saying “what!?” at first and repeated my statement well (as indicated in the courses) she responded better and better and eventually have been together for over 6 months. Its a great journey and a pleasure. The local naysayers can just lament.
It’s because of these experiences, in part, that you have a great girlfriend now.
Speed Seduction isn’t just about getting the Mattress Macarena.
For the man who is looking for that one special woman, these teachings are instrumental in helping him create, with the women he truly desires and wants to be with, the experiences they both enjoy.
More practically, it helps him sort through non-starter situations more quickly, upgrade to the woman who is right for HIM (and vice versa) in every way – and in doing so leads to better, longer-lasting relationships.
I really appreciate this information:
“Being “dissed” triggers your threat response. It’s instinctive (meaning it’s NATURAL) and it happens faster than your cognitive brain can process the information.Trying to laugh it off and/or brush it off causes you to suppress your feelings. This builds pressure over time. With each new insult from an attractive woman you react to ALL the previous insults as well. You can’t be expected to come up with an effective response to a single incident if your subconscious is reacting to every past incident.”
Also I think her automatic response sometimes not what she means or plans.. but something this kind of situation triggered or triggers it in her. Possibly even a negative association from her past..
When I first seen this title “is she really worse than a bank robber?…”
My honest answer was yes she is worse. Because the bank robber does not mean to harm anyone or even be a bank robber. All he wants is money. And that is a very human thing we all have. I can fully understand a bank robber..
But she on the other hand just being harmful without any reason, and she does not care at all.
So it really helped me to trace back what triggered in me such a painful angry reaction. And brought new understanding and a view on this aspect. It is really nothing on the intellectual level. But on the subconscious level I felt like someone just hit me on the street for nothing and without any reason…
It helps if you expect any kind of response.. it is just the words or nothing… move to the next person..
Thank you Ross!!