Dear Seeker of Success,
In that conversation that you had with that gorgeous woman, what did you talk about?
When you sat down to have that conversation, did you think beforehand, “How is my communication going to be structured to capture and lead her imagination and emotion? What effect, if any, do I want to create here? What are the formats and themes I’m going to use to do that?”
Once you got started, did you create a reason for her to participate?
At what point did you bring a playful vibe into the interaction?
Now Let’s Flip It Around…
What were you feeling in your body throughout?
The same thing, or were there changes?
What were the sensations going on in your body when you were holding her hands and looking into her eyes?
P.S. The Sarge Review Process, which we cover in Nail Your Inner Game, brings all this together for you.
It is the simple 20 minute process you’ll use, at the end of every sarge, successful, screwed up, or those “in-between” ones that you really can’t quite figure out! This process will have you turning around even the most difficult sarges and, get you back in the field doing things right, with easy, effortless confidence!