Dear Seeker of Success,
Here’s a blast from the past, straight off of YouTube. In the fall of 1992 (that’s 24+ years ago) I was a panelist on the Faith Daniels Show.
Be prepared to see how bad “social programming” was even back then. After you watch this video, leave a comment with your thoughts.
P.S. That was a 22-minute moment in time, 24+ years ago. So how about claiming your instant online access to everything I’ve developed, put into practice, and helped thousands of other men use to claim their success with women since then? Click here to get your hands on it right now.
Ross is a genius. The women were more engaged with Ross than they were the pro feminist guy. Ill have to remember his advice.
“Social programming” – literally, on the PROGRAMMING part.
Most of those shows have a sign above the stage that tell the audience when to applaud, boo, act shocked, etc that’s outside the view of the broadcast camera. Note right before the end of the clip how Faith makes a general statement where she purports to speak on behalf of every single audience member.
Of course, the producers staged it so the desperate supplicator on the right is the automatic “hero”. Isn’t he so cute? I bet most of the women in the audience would love to have him (he calls himself “The Ethics Guy” in real life) as their friend. Pretty likely the women she called on were “plants” as well.
Look closely and you’ll see those Romance Racketters you talk about counting their money off in the corner.
Hey Ross,
As usual, I’m blown away by your courage to speak the truth. What a contrast with the guy on the right who is telling women what they want to hear. It is so profound this disconnect between what women say they want and what they think they want and what they actually respond to.
It’s presented in the show like speed seduction is “manipulation” but it’s no more manipulative than a beautiful woman dressing in a way that get’s men to respond.
Just thought you should know how much I appreciate you’re willingness to take the heat and not cave to PC BS.
than you!
I must say Ross is more attractive now than when he was younger.
Secondly, who cares what a bunch of aunts say.
I fully agree with Ross saying that a nice guy that cannot say No is more phony.
I very much like the idea that a man should be confident enough to not let some women dictate his desires.
Ross, this is some classic footage my man.
I wish I would’ve known this stuff back then that it’s not what women want….it’s what they “RESPOND TO.” It would’ve saved me two decades of getting my head kicked in from Mr.Nice Guy.
Research into our closest primate relatives, the bonobos and the chimps would seem to support the conclusion that the more powerful political and social alliances women have, the more sex takes place for males and females of all social status. The matriarchal bonobo’s have tons of sex all day at the drop of a hat. The males seem quite happy with the power structure. It would be hard to feel sorry for them since they have everything they need and are always fucking in their peaceful society. They make love not war. It’s not just a hippy dream! This might be a good model for us humans to think about. Just sayin’
Chimps, who have a male dominant social structure, have much much less sex and fight much more. Also their equipment isn’t as impressive. Seems that social male dominance decreases dick and testicle size because of lack of sperm competition. Oh well.
Again these are our closest relatives on the evolutionary tree.
Also if what you want are more sexually willing or promiscuous women, why not just reward them for that behavior…or at least stop punishing them. Stop calling them sluts and give them more love, attention and social support when they fuck you and want to stay friends. Just a thought.
That said, Ross teaches some hot stuff and I think he is awesome. I see only good results from using his techniques and attitudes in a compassionate and intelligent way. I wish you all more and hotter sex than you can imagine.
@Alisa Kind words and accurate too. Great meeting you in Montreal…
This was hilarious in so many ways.
The interesting part to me is that when Ross tells the truth, the women choose the behavior of rejecting it, yet unconsciously confirm it. Look at their body language. Look at their state. When Ross really tells the truth, they are all agreeing, just not willing to admit that.
Maybe they don’t like being called on it, but here’s the interesting part.
The type of guy who can free a women and give her what she truly wants (which is the same as what she responds to), that guy, due to social programming, gets rejected.
It’s the surface, the social programming, that actually gets in the way of them enjoying the kind of men that truly satisfy them.
great show !!!Ross keep up the good work.(meant to say,out f~ken standing.great job!)
What makes it worse is that the guy on the right has a PHD, and of course they make no mistake about putting it in the title. So any guy watching is going to think [monkey-voice]Oooooh! He has a PHD! So that must be the right advice![/end monkey voice]
Wtf is up with the guy in the middle? How I see it:
Ross Jeffries, Way below-average AFC, king of the chumps
I agree 100% with Sebastian.
Here’s another article that you are mentioned in Ross, alongside a lot of other gurus in the community:
Some of the comments in there from women also show the confusion that both sexes are in due to social programming.
@Alex Thanks. And I see your delusional Guru-ette, Erika Awacowitch now says she CAN’T get AIDS so she doesn’t need for men to use condoms with her because her innocent attitude protects her. Wow…
ahah i really laugh hardly when i heard that black woman saying that you’ll be an alone guy!!
I really admired your grounding and your relax in responding to all this people.
REALLY good job!! 🙂
OH SHIT!!! now you know i had to respond. classic Ross Jefferies. What ross knows, what the women in the crowd including the host knows. and what the other two men on the panel, as well as other afc’s don’t know is that, the real world of men and women being intimate and enjoying the very best qualities of each other without any apologies, is a non- surface unspoken, unintellectual world. where it isn’t about what you say directly, or trying to get her to understand you. it’s a hidden inner world of energy, the vibe you give off, how you say what you say and the emotion that accompanies it. what you knew then and is continuing teaching now, and what i now get is that, SS reflects whats actually happening in this world between men and women. and the black chick was probably forecasting her own future, and sadly she most likely got that outcome.. an Average Frustrated Cunt LOL.. hey Ross, Taking any apprenticeship’s? =)
You got it right. I’ve been teaching this for 2 decades and the basic message hasn’t really changed.
The interesting thing to note was the looks on the womens’ faces. Whether or not they agreed with him, Ross was the one they were paying the most attention to.
So, Ross, 20 years later….are you lonely …lol
Ross you never lost it man, you have a uncanny ability yo tell it how it is.
Thanks John, I was just a puppy back then, but even so, watch the video and see how comfortable I am on stage, leaning to one side in my chair, totally relaxed and not caring what anyone thinks or has to say.
A flashbulb just went off. A couple weeks ago, I spent money on this 10 and then took her home that night and banged her. After, she convinced me to go to the 24hr grocery store to buy her some cat litter. She picks up pack of smokes, cat litter, juice boxes and sh-it. Like WTF is with all the extras? I didn’t like doing that and complained about it but she tells me to shush and I paid for it. Next night, I picked her up and she said I don’t want to do this again because I made her feel cheap and I said let’s call it a night then and she walked right back out of the car. I had a WTF moment.
If I paid for everything, how dare she call me cheap? She was the user. Now, I just realized what it was. I was “too accomodating”. I turned back into the nice guy. I already banged her, so why spend anymore? The moment it started bothering me I should have put my foot down and said no and if she doesn’t like it I can can leave her there and she can take a cab home and I probably would have banged her the next time I called her. She would probably have respected the fact that I put my foot down and refused. I already knew she was seeing other guys. What really hot girl isn’t? But, the other guy won because I’m sure he wasn’t accomodating. It’s good to be reminded not to fall back to being the nice guy.
It’s funny that the one woman predicted you would end up lonely. I have heard that too yet while I am not getting anywhere near the success I want, it’s 10 times better than before I was introduced to the community and your material.
Go Figure.
I think it is better to not talk to women about this stuff, as Ross points out, when we talk about having the right attitude, being challenging, dominant, leading her imagination, using trance words and anchoring, they react negatively yet when done correctly, that is what they respond to.
It’s about making the female audience feel they’re right and as such feel good about themselves.
Faith is anything but impartial. Mind her analogs. Is she not leading her audience to think in a certain way? You bet!
It’s funny but expected – seeing the boos Ross got when Faith mentioned ‘getting women into bed’ (as if the women lose out on that), seeing the yes nods or ‘it might be’ nods the second guy got when the audience recognized that overly sensitive men are probably weak men. And the reflex cheers the third guy got for kissing up to those women (though I feel this might appeal more to their experiences as being discriminated against at different points in their lives).
Phrased differently (read: impartially), Ross might have got a lot better responses from the crowd (even considering the ‘intrigued’ responses he got in the first few minutes – before the word ‘manipulation’ was mentioned). And since we are on the topic of manipulation (or influence for the sensitive types out there) – everybody does it. Though most people don’t even realize it or do some heavy rationalization against thinking they do it. Not many women actually want to feel they ‘manipulate’ men. Good folks just don’t do that, do they? 😉
ross, you got both the host and the commenter to change the way they said your name. you got them beginning to pace you!
and women get really angry when you call their game. i would have loved to see you one-on-one with the black girl in the yellow dress.
@Allistair I think that “girl” was a guy!
really cool video! thanks for posting…
and I think that the woman at 7:35 was, despite acting as an opponent, really turned on by your attitude…
there was a phony(Mr. ph.d) on the stage
but Ross ur 1st line was superb “I dont care what women want all I care about is what they responds to”.
Hey Ross,
Have you become the lonely man as that woman said that you were going to become? By the way, that guy in the dress was wayy cooler than you Ross hehehe!!!jk
@Kamal Far from it…
Haha, that was pretty funny what she said.
I ain’t gonna praise you here as it is easy to be a star in such lousy environment. 😛
Anyway – I like what Richard Bandler said once about you – can’t quote exactly though – I think people like Ross Jeffries are needed in our society.
I wish it to be otherwise, but for now – thank you for your good job Man.
All those girls in the audience are attracted to Ross and they most definitely had fantasies about him later. They all gave him shit and it had no effect on him b/c of his strong inner game (“I am a sleazbag” – haha). He gets the audience to experience a full range of emotions from laughter (mocking the PhD guy) to shock at his ability to speak his truth (“you want a friend get a dog”- haha, awesome and “I want to put women on a pedastal so I can look up your skirts”). Of all the panelists the ladies will be thinking of Ross cause he stood out.
The nice guy is the one who is “manipulative” by trying to buy her over.
Ross keep up the excellent work!
Ross, LOL.
Love how you dominated the show and didn’t let that pussy Phd have barely anytime to chant his weak, pussy mantras and bromides. lololol!!!!
Never laughed so hard!! Oh yeah.. I didn’t think most of the peeps on there were women?? Soo fuckin’ ugly.. except that milf host.. shudda took her out for creampie, RJ!
Here’s full 20-min show:
Favorite part was when the kilt guy stood up and also when he talked about the whole audience having an orgy… lolol!!! xD
i am totally confused about all this i just hope the homestudy course will make me understand better. the video is interesting. i started a new job yesterday, there are so many woman around at work and i do not know what to do or say i or how to control their energys, guess i probaly will never get laid if i do not get my hands on this course soon. ROSS what exactly do women respond too. give me small tip please master. i hope to start studing before december.
You deserve the nobel price for the theorical understanding about society, women and emotions… btw the practical application is disputable.. words aren’t the only way to communicate emotions, you like to forget it… and when the spell finishes the seductor becomes a pumpkin and he gets buying remorse
PS. you forgot to answer Saber
Put up the satanist clip!!!
Ross, I think the Phd guy needed a tampon every 28 days.
Outstanding, as usual.
that was awsome!! 🙂 you were a little provocative instead of bringing across the point that an attitude that works does not imply resenting women. I guess you were just having fun stirring up that bitchfest.
brainwashing at its worst. Its not just social norms, its all over the place with political content, too. People better turn off the TV, and leave it off.
The feminist movement was sponsored and manipulated by the Rockefellers
The goal was to divide men and women, to have more taxpayers, and to have more time to brainwash their children.
@Mark B:
That’s because it’s more social programming.
“If you do anything other than get into a real-hate-shun-ship by default, you’re going to end up lonely.”
I have a girl in NY who knows about the community and everything I do, and still is hardcore attracted to me, and is cool with it.
So this even goes beyond just meeting new chicks and banging them.
I’ve gotten female friends (REAL friends, REAL respect, not that lets just be friends bullshit) from this as well as hook ups, and of course the possibility of a gf if I ever meet a girl I like enough.
Hey Ross, since you brought up my guru-ette, I will give you a metaphor for my success that is a bit of wisdom from one of my other mentors.
He once was told to break two rocks by hitting them against each other. He hit them once, twice, and then they broke on the third. When asked, which hit broke the rock? He said the third one? He was told, no. all of them. 😉 They each damaged the rock.
@Alex You’re telling me you want me to keep banging away at her on PUAFRAUD.COM?
You gotta love Ross. He just speaks his truth openly and grounded without apologizing. Ross just has that powerful/calm yet really fun presence just sitting their in that room unmoved by their remarks… Unlike that Dr Chump on the far right, who probably got no more than few thumbs up and a ‘friends’ hug after the show by the women… The way he was talking, it seemed like he wished he could menstruate. Great job as always Ross!
Mr PHD sat,looked & spoke like an ASS!!
Ross you proved how frame control works. Ms Anchor got deep insight immediately after your spoke. Rewind the video and see how she is feeling confused & nervous immediately after you spoke !!!!
THAT PROVES ALL! Care only for what chicks repsond to!!
`spose a lot of those women went home afterward, having juicy thoughts while they where thinking of you, Rosss. 😉
Nice one! You have come a long way since then, haven´t you.
At first I thought the guy in the middle is the real loser, but then I realised, that Dr. “Weinsponge” or whatever his name is, takes the cake.
Thanks for giving me some insights, it´s much appreciatet.
That was great, can you put the Oprah appearance up too? I’ve been looking for it on Youtube but can’t find it anywhere.
Ok so now I am going to watch Thanks for Smoking but after I re-watch Mr Ross “Awesome Compared to Bullshit” Jeffries’ Dr Phil appearance lol.
Thank you Ross for sharing these examples of intelligence, authenticity and truth in the face of biased ignorant rabble rabble rabble.
I am now also aware of Faith Daniels the porn star.
Isn’t great that the universe balanced the playing field with Ross Jeffries?
Ross, do you have any other television appearances, I just find this to be entertainment of the highest order. (nerd speak for when i was watching, i was tippy toes in my seat with excitement at your responses)
I would love if i could see more of these hahahaha its so funny,
First comes ridicule,
then denial,
Then acceptance as if it was always true.
Hot damn i almost wished there was a pattern to use on them if only they werent all in an uncooperative game for the sake of the camera.
I think what I get most from your material, and that of Richard Bandler, is the structures and language to be able to challenge the tyrant, in whatever for she/he manifests.
I noticed immediately that your entire body was moving away from the guy in the dress. I saw you drop state in preparation for the inevitable provocation from the host and the sheep attack that followed. Mastering the self first is a key to being able to withstand such attacks, as you clearly demonstrated.
And yeah, the woman in the yellow dress could have been a bloke!
The hoster forgot to mention in her intro that Bruce Weinstein hadn’t got laid at that time, not until he met Mr. Jeffries.
After watching this, i could only hear my own voices in my head FUCK FUCK FUCK….why haven’t i gotten hold of ROSS Jeffries’s wisdom 20 years ago… it was only until recently that i bought Ross Jeffries’s 2011 immersion seminars…. I wasted 20 years of my seduction opportunities until what i could realise recently what i could do with these amzing wisdom of ROSS Jeffries… a true sedcution genius..
the guy in the dress raised some good points: men have been forced to use speed seduction and when men express feelings, we’re met with ridicule by women. still, thank god for rj, i’m free from the matrix
ross was on fire, some highlights:
fat ginger lady: when’s the last time you had a relationship?
rj: wat makes you think its your business?
rj: well i wanna put women on a pedestal… to look up their skirts
rj: you want a friend, lady? get a dog.
Goog stuff Ross even my sister thinks your the devil.I’ve been flat out honest about what I find attractive in a woman and have been called an asshole before.I’m a nice guy and honest and I respect women it’s a shame that we live in a society that teaches us to be ashamed of our sexuality.
@Luke Your sister have big tits? Is she on Facebook?
I don’t necessarily agree with that. Men have become mad feminine and a bunch of pussies and that’s why they don’t get laid. If you show feelings it is NOT the same as being a pussy.
Ross talks about this in SS 3.0 that being vulnerable does not mean being weak.
As I watch this series of videos, I find myself noticing your stance throughout the entire broadcast. You truly display the ability to allow every woman to have their own response WITHOUT attaching any negative meaning to it. And, while I continue to listen to the audience continually whip you, I completely recognize one of your fundamental beliefs: “Never take a woman’s first response(in this case ANY response) as written in stone. It is only a reflection of what she is thinking, feeling, or believing in that moment. And, it’s almost always subject to change.”
I’d say that this lesson has been a powerful one for me through 2011. Yes, in the past I have been challenged with taking a negative response and allowing it to completely dissipate. As I move forward, I recognize that when a woman responses this way, it is just a pre-conditioned, self-programed response. While I continue to engage the conversation, I understand that her next responses will tell me whether she is the type of person I really want to spend my time with. This allows me the chance to get to touch her in a way that no another guy has before.
I am encouraged to grow into the stronger an more dominant man I’m everyday, more and more becoming. Thanks for the reminder Ross!
Bruce Whine-spine is a walking, talking vagina. What a pandering, supplicating, obsequious moron.
Mel Feit needs to de-drag.
Ross Jeffries is the godfather of seduction.
Women love to be seduced. Ross is just teaching men how to give women what they want — rather than what the SAY they want.
And what do women want?? They want a man who has a life, his own set of opinions and a spine. They do NOT want a gutless, limp-wristed, jelly-headed, spine-doner chump doormat.
Women want a man who’s going to be A MAN and is not going to apologize for it — just like Ross said. Women want a man who’s going to lead them in life and dominate the hell out of them in the bedroom.
@Boyd Remember, I don’t give a rat’s turd about what women WANT. I only attend to what they RESPOND to.
End of lesson.
Ross was right them, today, and I am sure tomorrow…and for years to come. I am internalizing his principles that makes me a more human, more man than ever before in my life! It is a very difficult journey as our society is designed quite opposite. Go Ross…change the way the world makes LOVE!
Hey Ross, Im glad to see your doing this for a long time, and you do mention real gold there, It’s what women respond to that matters, not any other BS and from the point of view where women always, like “dilute” a man and stamp him with being nice (the wuss) that just pisses me off, the only way to win is to do and use what works.
@Ross: Interesting choice of words 😉 At this point we both find it comical.
She’s dangerously delusional and giving advice that is dangerous, at least in that regard. Told you so
I absolutely love how excited the feminist guy was when the women were applauding him.
Nice guys may want sex but they NEED validation. That’s why they’re always afraid to tell people the truth or what they don’t want to hear. Kill the need for validation and you kill the nice guy.
1. Have you ever read a book by Naomi Wolf called ‘” Promiscuities “?
2. If possible, you should take all tv appearances, and even ones which have featured Rick H, Bishop (yeah I know) and put it together in a collection and sell it or offer it as a free bonus for getting one of your products. It’s always nice to see people Rage Against the Matrix
1. No
2. Those people were never on TV with me.
You misunderstand. I meant that Erika and I find your stabs at her amusing.
I told her yesterday that there seems to be a pattern in which people put words in her mouth. She never gives advice in her coaching ever. Her views are her views. I deeply respect her *personal* views (note I stressed personal, read her original condom blog entry from Awakening from the Dream) on the use of condoms. She believes it ruins true intimacy. Many guys dislike having sex with condoms as well. While I deeply respect that and think it’s beautiful, but not my thing right now because I don’t want to risk pregnancy, and my beliefs do not match hers about the whole STD thing.
There was a point where I was extremely reactive to those disagreeing with my viewpoints as I’m sure you have noticed. I am also sure you have noticed a change in my responses. This, too, is a testament to her coaching.
@Alex She’s telling guys that they don’t need to use condoms because if they have an innocent attitude, they will be protected from harm. That’s DELUSIONAL.
Men are brainwashed by women teaching us about themselves. Most women are too scared to say what they really want/are like. Why should we take advice from someone like that?
I would say you ARE a “theoretician” Ross. You have done what a lot of scientists do every day. Reveal theories based on (acute) observations.
@CP True that, but in a ten second sound-bite world, no one has time for it.
Another thing I noticed about the body language of people in the video.
When Faith tells Ross that she thinks the question is relevant because of “he says he has all the answers” she flutters her eyes quite a bit after that. Could just be emotional distress or she could be saying that just to justify the question.
And at the end when Doctor chump pump says his last hurrah, the confidence in his voice goes through the floor and the last word is barely uttered, and his entire excitement just vanishes, as if everything he was doing was staged.
@Ross: Is that what she’s saying or is that your interpretation of what she’s saying?
Ross this video showed perfectly the difference between the average chump and a man . I think speed seduction should be re named how to act and behave like a man not a pussy . Thanks for posting this great reminder of how solid your ideas are.
The difference between the average chump and a man. I think speed seduction should be required reading . Thanks for posting this clip!
interesting how comments were disabled for those vids… I bet 90% went there to watch Ross.
And I like the not so subtle body language of the guy in the middle leaning away from the feminist and Ross trying to get as far away from the dress-man as possible. hilarious.
Oh, and I think I found Waldo. (sorry Ross)
Bloody Hell…Where’s the bottom of the page…..Ahh..HA..
..Forgot ..what I was gonna say….Oh Yea..
Just an honest question: You say you don’t care what a woman wants.
Obviously your 20 years more experienced than me..
So, here goes…Is it because, Theres what they think they want and then theres showing them something that would blow there socks off…Then there bra, the panties….and so on..
Also,..Men are Jerks..Just like woman are.. That’s how we get traction and evolve to be better, Isn’t it?
Surely some of the people in the studio audience need speedseduction in their life too.
Especially Bill Bailey in a dress sat next to you…”Sex isn’t the only thing in life”!….Pff !
That is absolutely true though, women do control the access to sex, <— FACT , and still bitch about it…God…They re Fu*#in Funny…I Love E'm..
HOWEVER,…BRAVE MAN..I think I'll leave proving speedseduction to a live audience of crazy women to you though.
..Well…until I have a few more HB's under my belt . ..Oohh Err..
P.S. The black one scares me
I just realised, halfway through doing the dishes….You started seducing the host did’t you..! ..You Dog… When you said…”Roooss” in a deep voice, she repeated it, putting it in?…She even interupted the woman standing up, and made her repeat it.. Coz she was obviously too much of a Div to realise it..
..But the question, ..I Know Everyone is Itching to ask….Did any of the women slam dunk your balls…?
“All men are jerks…bla bla bla…cluck cluck cluck…”
Reality the way I see it, is that women are suckers for words, and a guy like Ross scares the shit out of them, because they look at him and think “He’s cracked the code.”
You’re the man, Ross. Thanks for setting an example for how men SHOULD act, in this feminized, emasculated society of ours.
I think that the point Ross made in the beginning of the show was the most important and was the most evident throughout the video. Women say they want one thing, think they want another, but respond to something totally different. Just look at how many questions were directed at Ross throughout the episode as apposed to the P.HD guy.. The crowd full of women obviously felt like what ross had to say was more interesting and peaked their interest more because they continue the conversation. How many questions did they really ask the P.Hd guy.. I dont remember 1 question addressed to Mr. P.hd because although what he said sounds like what they want to hear it is boring and gets no response… Its not a challenge… and we all know women like challenges…
Ross said:
“@Boyd Remember, I don’t give a rat’s turd about what women WANT. I only attend to what they RESPOND to. ”
And isn’t that want they truly want?
It’s interesting to see the women in the audience shift from accepting what Ross says in the beginning, to rejecting what he says when he states the point of “I don’t need you, you need me.”.
The negative response from the audience was purely based on social programming. “They were supposed to respond to a guy who says that.”.
As long as it was presented in an acceptable way, all the stuff he said before, they were mostly responding favorably with their body language and their states.
I know Ross likes to provoke, for a good reason which I’m practically certain is more than just getting people have their panties in a bunch.
When you approach with controversy, yet something is true on the deepest level, AND they have to respond in a way that society expects them to, you create a conflict. A conflict in their mind.
On the deepest level they know it’s true. On the surface level they’re just followers of society. But when they go to bed at night and are free to think about it, they know that the deeper level was true. They just had to wear a mask to fit in.
A conflict in a mind needs to be resolved. So a lot of girls were thinking about Ross after the show. They needed to resolve the conflict.
What does usually win?
People who don’t accept truth all their lives, fight all their lives against it.
And those are the girls you meet and think to yourself “Exit!”.
There are mentally healthy girls out there that you can meet.
Alex Q.: Ross Is that what she’s saying or is that your interpretation of what she’s saying?
I’ve had an online conversation with her in Facebook, as an intelligent guy I have to say that the question you just asked is really stupid.
She is showing her philosophy and ways to look at the world, shes essentially in the self help industry and this means that she teaches people how to think in order to better their lives.
This means that she has to communicate CLEARLY and avoid leaving any place for misinterpretation because people are paying her money so that she can help them but so far shes doing a very poor job. Ross on the other hand is a very clear communicator and I find it hard to misunderstand most of what he says.
If she is reckless enough to allow people to misinterpret what she says this may mean that she doesn’t care about the people she teaches and I don’t think I would want to pay a self help guru who doesn’t give a shit about what I do with her material or how I interpret it.
Not all men are nice in the problematic sense.
You can be nice as a quality, but compulsory being nice for all the wrong reasons is a problem.
I, as a person, am very nice. But only in the right context with people.
Ask anyone and they will tell you I am nice and friendly, and I am honestly so.
I just don’t take crap from anyone. Niceness is not unconditional, and if you make it so, you make it a problem. That’s where you become mr. Nice Guy.
Being nice is a quality, being stuck in niceness is a problem.
@Me Very well said. You are not far from the Kingdom of Sarge
What I find most amazing about the show is that the ethicsguy (Weinstein) is still proud of his appearance there. After all, he’s the one who posted it on his youtube channel. Can he possibly still believe what he was spouting?
It is also interesting to see how you have matured, Ross. Back then, you really came off as an arrogant jerk (ahh youth!). Ok, you can still come off as arrogant, but I think you don’t come off nearly as much as a jerk. You now show a lot of respect toward women, and your methods take their needs and pleasure into account. That’s one of the reasons why I like Speed Seduction. I want to feel good about my interactions with women, and I want them to feel good about being with me. Plus, of course, it works.
One woman I’m seeing constantly tells me that I’m so smooth and know exactly what to say. Not that long ago, no one would have ever said something like that to me. I was afraid to compliment a woman, fearing she would think I’m only saying it to get her into bed. Now I know that it’s ok to say things geared toward getting them into bed, and that they want me to do so. I also would have thought that a woman telling me I am ‘smooth’ is an insult. But, she says it as a compliment. And the more I tell her, the more she wants. Ross has helped me understand a lot about how women’s minds work and what they really want from a man.
@Full Throttle Wow, so kind. I definitely would love to use this as a testimonial. Can you please get in touch with me?
subject: testimonial.
HaHaHa. That is fucking hilarious! Ross, you’ve been doing pioneering work for a long time. I love how you embrace the “sleaze bag” moniker with a sense of purpose and humor. Like its been said, if you are not getting booed, your doing something wrong. Good work
Solid points there Ross. I agree with sean, “women are suckers for words, and a guy like Ross scares the shit out of them, because they look at him and think “He’s cracked the code.”” Its true that what women say they want and what they actually respond to are two different things. You rock Ross.
Faith looked good.
It is quite stunning how easily the Women want to dislike Men, and attribute them as the crux of their problems.
It was a very ‘pantomime’ like show, but it spoke volumes about the general perception Women have about Men.
Quite surprised you got out alive Ross!
Classic, classic, classic Ross Jeffries vid from 19yrs ago! Great job Ross telling what women truly want and typical response from the women how much they are not willing to be honest with themselves. I saw where Faith was repeating your name just how you pronounced it. She wanted the RJ.
Master Prac. of NLP
G’day Ross,
You have indicated that interactions with women should be fun and one example you use to illustrate this is the folder, roller or tosser when packing a port to go on vacation.
You have also indicated that you only care about what a woman responds to.
Well Ross you did both—-you had fun, and all of the women responded to you and I noticed how all the women who said they hated you all wanted to talk to you.
I also noticed how you let the women talk pushing your buttons without allowing yourself to respond in a negative manner—which is not the way they expect a guy to act—–you would have confused the hell out of them.
Here is a man Ross Jeffries who has deprogrammed himself—have you read: Viruses of the Mind by Richard Brodie?
See Ya
@Grey Of course I’ve read that book; Brodie is a friend of mine, and yesterday was his birthday. Happy B-Day Quiet Lion
Ross your right on woman, woman need & look for men, I mean real men to make them fell feminen. Real men are the afridiziac for them
@Michal Uh…spell check?
Hey “Rowsss” are you living a lonely life 19 years later? Is it weird to think you’re probably banging some of the guests newborn daughters (all grown up now of course)? Is it also weird that all the women on that show, with the exception of the host were fugly (I hope their daughters are better looking than they are)?
@Hux Nope, dating women anywhere from 20-30 years younger than me and much better looking!
I feel huge gratitude Ross that you stand up for us men.
@Dave Thanks. I’m having fun doing it too.
Ross, hahahaha! Bro, that was friggin’ awesome! Next, you got to post when you appeared on the Morton Downey JR. show!
@Rhino – I’d like to see that one again too! 😀 I might even have it somewhere. In my closet there are 3 boxes of old VHS tapes, etc. For all I know it’s the 4th of 5 segments on one of those. One of these days I’ll go through it, and if I ever see it pop up on YouTube, I’ll grab it.
Ross I attended one of your every first seminars in 1992 at Culver City Raddison. I remember we were less then ten students in class. After 21 Years latter Ross and I am telling you form my own experience. We are proven to be right and all those women are wrong.
@Mike Damn you are loyal. 10 students only? Damn
Talk about feminist cunt-cant!
Delusional and Dangerous is RIGHT.
I’m still laughing at the Femi-Male. Jeez, did he light up like the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center when his “I’m a Weak, I’m a Needy, I’m an Emotionally Emasculated Male, who will spout off Feminist Cunt-Cant so I can Self-Validate and Establish ‘Social Proof’ in order to be accepted and fit in with my pseudo Mommies.” That’s Pathetic and Disgusting!
Hey RJ, during the commerical break did he drop his pants and de-ball himself with a dull rusty knife to reinforce the frame?
. . . Or, did he just show everyone his pussy?
P.S. These are the Pathological Behaviors one NEEDS to recognize immediately as Lowest Common Denominator Feminist Cunt-Cant. Yes, if you ape these behaviors verbally, while of course showing Submission and Obedience physically, you’ll be rewarded with external validation and acceptance. Perfect example of Social Programming and Pathological behaviors.
Great one RJ.
loved it
Well fvckin done it does seem like your enjoying rubing it in, makes for a fun show. And for some reason you have never said anything degrading about women and they still disliked you weirdd….
p.s I seriously dislike the wimpy feminist “man”.
I always LOVE rubbing it in!
You really held your own there. Nearly everyone aims their questions at you – although with an air of agitation (which you know you’re invoking with your obnoxious blase attitude) No one cares about the angry wanker in a skirt (p.s. wtf!) and no one is interested in the pseudo politician-esque douche. And as i say, although agitated, they seemed slightly curious about exactly where you’re coming from.
You should hand write a letter to that one chic, “Yes, you were so right …I totally did end up alone! But everyday i thank god i have my millions of dollars, global fan base, and hundreds of beautiful female experiences to keep me company.”
The feminist feels he has won the approval of the crowd,and that his philosophy is validated.And I guess the crowd will view him as perfect date material,which is fine so long as he’s prepared to sit there for hours while they milk his ‘understanding nature’ bone dry.But the second he shows any signs of sexual attraction (which is the very reason people meet for a date) he’s gonna get shot down so hard and labeled as a phoney.
@Steve I think his biggest aspiration in life is to menstruate.
Hey Ross, the host is attracted to you. She’s so engaged & intrigued, she cannot help herself. She even said that she would “start with questions & try to stay out of this.” Then BANG – she says ” I said I was going to stay out of it but I can’t” & responds to you whilst all the time you are speaking the truth & she responded to that. A hot TV host as well. You are the man & you proved it on flaming – you have our backs man, all the best to you.
@Steve I’m not sure if she was attracted.
Remember I didn’t care about any of how the women responded.
I was aiming at the men at home watching.
Dude, thanks for sending us that. You really took me back with that one!!
Please share more of the old stuff with us if you can dig it up, OK?
Will do.
I absolutely love Ross’ appearance. He shows up so clear and so present in the moment and very confident. “If you want it friendly get a dog” AHAHAHAHAHHA. Great. Those women in the audience are so asleep. He is not angry but presents his point very clearly and plays very well with the audience. 🙂 Great.
@Ivo Thanks again. It was fun doing dozens of these shows in the 90s By the time you’ve done about 5 of them you know what to expect and
what to say.
this is like comedy show I absolutely love it. Only note to make is that Ross’ point is dead on right. Some people get it and some don’t. :).
P.S. I love the way Ross handled some of the questions – he did not feel attacked and just responded by elaborating on his point of view
@Ivo I didn’t feel anything other than pure enjoyment at slamming idiots.
Hi Ross
I’m wondering , if you had a second chance
At the same exact show, same audience and q’s
Wolud you act differently , maybe ask questions to slam down your points
In a way that would had gave you inner responsive reactions ? ( from the girls audience and Faith?)
@Gal, the only thing I would have changed was to try to plug my book more but they told me not too and I’m sure they would have edited it out.
It amazing how lost some men are , the nice guy ” feminist ” male summed it up when he said ” The fact that something is nature does not mean its good ” . The fact as you know , if a man cant own and express hes sexual desire theres going to be no spark no passion in a relationship .
Ross (Y) .. i find it interesting that women were responding to you more. In a somewhat negative way at times, but you are getting at their deepest insecurities..
when u ever get a time to answer my question…
Q) what is the order in which a person who is ‘looking for what works with women + is curious’ should read and listen to your materials?
Get my Rapid And Total Success With Women Course
Nice guys do not get laid!! Things appear to get worse, I include a link to an article about a 6 year old boy up on charges of sexual harassment, WTF?? He kissed a little girl in class on the hand, and he is a repeat offender!! He could literally get a felony, imagine that, a six year old felon ??
I remember a time when women thought AND men thought that a cute thing. That kind of outcry can scar a boy forever, how’s that for child abuse? How ‘s that for cruel and unusual punishment?
What are the democrats and liberals doing to MY country?? Obama wants the Marines Corps to change their cover (hat) to a unisex cover that appears like the current female hat!! A female ARMY officer says the ARMY should not use pretty women in their marketing. Not to be mean or anything but that female is not attractive, she could be used to stop the enemy’s heart.
“WE THE PEOPLE” cannot have bullets or kiss a girl…huh…WTF?? Do’t get me started on the one about the little boy being up on weapons charges because he owns a DAISEY brand BB gun; we all remember the lever action BB gun, right?
I have your book already and i can see where the latter day Pick-up artists got their stuff. You da Man!
This show is in a mess, this negative man sitting besides you and the other mr nice guy trying to impress the female audience…..quite impossible for anyone who had not come in contact with your books to understand anything…..
they were just responding in negative ways and self justifying pretentious social behaviour…….who would admit on TV that they desire sex, they want sex, they fantasize about sex , they masturbated and they wish for a real man to fuck them if no one knew about it except themselves….
People miss an opportunity to understand certain truths in themselves….that they love sex and they want sex…..or they have an organ that needs someone to make it works naturally…..
Ross you were and still are an Absolute Legend. Just watching you in this Video has made me feel more confident about myself.
I wish I could learn from you Directly.
Strange that Bruce Wernstein considers himself ethical and writes books on that subject when he can make such ridiculous claims such as women have been “oppressed”. Some of the women who say things like that are women Attila the Hun would have trouble oppressing.
Mei Feit, the guy in the dress makes some valid points but sadly is easy to ridicule. He is also angry which doesn’t help. Organisations like Fathers 4 Justice have attempted to highlight the way men are treated, in this case as fathers, but end up being either ignored, ridiculed or pushed aside rather than listened to.
The thrust of the whole show was that they invited women to criticise these men (except pussy boy on the right). Why no men? (Some might have agreed with Ross or even with Mei Feit). Even why no women who disagree with feminism? (There are some). They’re playing to the prejudices of the audience (as they perceive them) that women won’t like these guys and no-one has even a right to like them.
Ross, thanks for doing that at the time and for putting this on the blog now. If you’ve got any more please put them up on the blog sometime.
@Raymond I’m looking for more. There has been a demand for my appearance on Morton Downey Jr. if I get my hands on that, it will be here!!!
“..although I am with someone I’ve loved for a long time.. ME”
L O L Ross the iconoclast at his very finest in this one!
Is Ross really that obnoxious? Or was that just a fake persona he created just to scare the shit outta them?
Haha… that is really classy… I think all those women in the audience really dig Ross although on the outer they speak and behave like they don’t.. But as was said – do not care about what they say they want, care about what they respond to.. This video epitomizes it… 🙂
Exactly. To this day, even when I teach Persuasion, I don’t care what people say they want. I care what they respond to. This applies to seduction, sales, marketing, business, getting control of the remote on home-movie night – you name it.
HOLY SH*T!!! I can’t believe how clueless these women are. I have a different spin on it then the comment above. I think they’re absolutely pissed off at the implication that they can be controlled so easily and that they’re using the “nice guy” while screwing the “bad boy”. I think they really believe they wouldn’t respond to your approach. I think you’re absolutely right Ross when you say that if you directly state your intentions there would be resistance and these women’s extremely intense outrage, hostility, anger and abrasive insults proves it. All you have to do is look at what women read and watch to know what they want: “50 Shades of Gray” and “Scandal”… where aggressive men aggressively seduce women. They absolutely consume material like this.
I see now there are underlying desires and beliefs that women seem to hide from themselves when presented with the facts directly. The looks on their faces were of total disbelief when presented with the facts. They had the who-do-this-guy-think-he-is look.
I’ve played the nice guy roll and got steam rolled… and I’ve seen the I-make-no-excuses-or-apologies guys who just fearlessly approach women and a lot of the time they don’t even make it out of the club to a room before they’re having sex. I’ve seen too many times where guys with the I-don’t-give-a-f**k attitude gets the girl. Of course women like the bad boy persona. I think they’re willing to admit that to their close friends when they’re calm, but when someone like you Ross in this interview brings this up, I think the truth that the women all know becomes submerged and hidden in their anger. At that point they can’t see the truth of it, so I believe their response is genuine, but not based in reality.
Also, I believe that Bruce Weinstein guy was being very disingenuous. It seemed like he was structuring his comments to get acceptance and a reaction from the women and since he was getting such acceptance from them he based his life on pleasing them. He’s exactly the guy who should have been reading your book. Talk about wasted energy.
Sorry I wrote so much. This video hit a nerve and unearthed past hurts, but very enlightening.
Thanks for the video Ross
P.S. Ross, can you tell me where do these women’s intense anger come from? It looked like they were about to string you up in the studio.
No doubt part of the anger was prompted by the “audience instruction” signs they see, but the viewer from home doesn’t, telling them when to applaud, boo and hiss, act shocked, act outraged, etc.
Which shows how it easy is – you can outright tell people (anyone) how to react, and they will.
To your other point: Bruce Weinstein is still around. He calls himself “The Ethics Guy”. Google it.
Classic, classic Ross Jeffries, the Grand Pubah of the seduction community. Speaking truth to vag.
Let’s all keep in mind that we can’t hold the fact that women don’t know what makes them tick against them. Most of them are clueless. About 5% really know how and why they respond to men and masculinity.
I disagree about women having all the power. Completely disagree. But then I bet nowadays you think differently too, right?
Weinstein is a contemptible, pandering, patronizing, self-loathing, PC mangina. You say he is still around, but the question is . . . did he ever grow a sack?
Didn’t you do the Sally j. Rafael show? I saw either that one or this one when it originally aired.
Mega respect, Ross.
P.S. Ross, the number of other community members who are on your level can be counted on the fingers of one hand. There are many gurus, but few pioneers. Don’t EVER take your cues from other community gurus, regardless of how successful they may or may not be. Ross Jeffries doesn’t NEED to.