Dear Seeker of Success
Within the Sargy teachings of Speed Seduction® you’ll hear a lot about new directions, what happens below me, and how I close off the past so that today is the last day of the way I used to be.
Some skeptics say, “pretty much any intelligent woman is going to pick up on these double entendres and think you’re stupid. Not for me, thanks.”
That’s a little misplaced, especially when many of my students get vaginally-victorious results just by asking women what they do for fun.
Exactly Right.
As I keep saying, there are certain questions and themes that are most likely to open up the trains of thought, waves of emotion, flows of feeling that lead a woman to feel strongly attracted, aroused, etc.
Knowing how to get these themes introduced into a “harmless” or “normal” conversation is a key skill.
Here are a few of my “tried and true” seduction questions:
- “When you really want to cut loose… escape… indulge yourself..what is it you love to do? And what’s something you’d like to do… but haven’t found a way to try (pointing to myself subtly).”
- “If you were to meet someone… when you just… feel… that… you know… and it’s not just that but also… you know… it’s ON… now… today(nodding my head)… what do you think is the one thing about you that would keep this person coming back for more….beyond just a one time thing”
- “Do you think men understand women? I don’t know if they do, but I think I can explain the psychology of men to women in just one joke…” (I then tell them one or more suggestion laden filthy jokes!)
Finally, here’s how a student of mine explained, how HE made it work:
Personally I like to ask them about what they do for fun. 1 chick I was sargin went into a long drawn out description of how she loves to ride a motor bike. She was going thru all the motions as well, really describing it and acting like she was on a bike as she pretended to go around a corner making the noises. You could actually see her reliving the scene out in real time. It was even exciting for me to listen to her describe it so I was kinda getting her to relive what she likes to do most and she gets all those feelings of excitement back as she’s thinking about it and describing it.
I thought it was pretty damn cool it was like as if she was entertaining me 🙂
Keep learning.
Keep mastering.
Keep Sarging.
P.S. Inside the Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection, one of the many video module segments is called “Patterns, Language Skills, And Poetry” – so you’ll get a lot more of what I just described above.
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