Dear Seeker of Success,
If you can tell me what you want in a woman….
….I can tell you why you won’t get it.
See, right off the bat, we have a major language problem.
When you say, “I want,” the message is that it’s always separate and apart from you.
You’re reaching for that glass of water and at the last minute, someone pulls you away from it.
You stay thirsty.
To understand what’s going on here, it helps to think back to the last time you bought or leased an automobile.
Any Plans Of Driving Away With
Your New Auto Today?
Whether you paid in cash, or you have $500/mo for 5 years staring you in the face, you’re getting those keys and you’re driving it right now. Correct?
Let’s test it.
The salesperson says “Just drive up to the customer service window and get your keys.”
Are you going to that window thinking, “Boy, it sure would be nice if there were car keys there”?
Or are you approaching the window thinking, “I’m driving up to that window, and claiming my keys!”
Now Apply This New Languaging
To Your Women
Instead of saying “what I want in a woman is…” try this:
“What I claim in my woman, is…”
(Notice we’ve also shifted from “a woman” to “my woman”.)
Say both statements out loud, right now.
How do they feel different subjectively?
Do they feel different at all in terms of the feeling in your body?
Then envision all the qualities that up until now you said you “want” in a woman. Including, for example:
- Sense of humor / funny
- Treats me like a god
- Experimental sexually
- F@@ks me crazy
- Hot, athletic body
Whatever it is. List it.
Then say, “I claim my woman who… (and speak off your list of qualities).”
A Huge Part Of Speed Seduction®
Is being able to see your own patterns and to emotionally manage where you want to go, along with where you currently are.
So claim it.
Feel the difference?
Peace and piece,
P.S. Imagine your power as a Speed Seducer with the ability to use the Four Energetic Vibes to get top quality, high self-esteem women as your willing, eager, super-turned-on bed partners.
Do you “want it”, or do you CLAIM this power for yourself now!