Dear Seeker of Success,
In almost every case I say: nothing’s better than pink.
However, when it comes to sales, marketing, and anything else we do to let others know we’re better than the competition, there’s one thing better.
(When you’re Sarging a chick who’s in sales and marketing, think about how you could adapt this into a language pattern! he he he) 🙂
P.S. What you just watched WILL help you, whether you’re looking to persuade, get laid, or any other damn thing. The same stuff that gets you the pink poonani, gets you your way, your money, and your results in every walk of life.
Pick your pleasure (pick both if you like)
Hi Ross,
How can I purchase this whole video?
Rey – this video is from the not-for-sale-standalone Maui Marketing set. It’s available as a bonus in 3 ways:
1) As an instant-signup bonus when you register for next weekend’s Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp
2) If you can’t make it in person but still want “right now” persuasion teaching, its a bonus on the Mindframe Persuasion course
3) We also offer it as a bonus on the Nail Your Inner Game course.