Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
Do you find yourself withdrawing socially?
Spending a lot of time home alone, no woman there?

Is it because you’re the only single guy among all your friends and you’re fed up with being the third, or fifth, or thirteenth wheel every time you go out?
Maybe you’re discouraged and it’s affecting your girl-getting game.
Or it could be something else.
“What’s Up With This?”

If you’re finding yourself feeling like you’re withdrawing, you have to go inside and ask:
- Is there any purpose behind this withdrawing?
- Is there anything inside of this withdrawing that contains a valuable message?
- Is there something going on that’s not just a block but something you need to handle outside of meeting women?
- Is it just an old pattern that you can break through?
When the old patterns come up, one thing I like to say is, “This is not a rehearsal. This is not suggestion. This is not a prediction. It’s just old stuff.”
Then you can do your meditation with it and push it aside.
I have a philosophy:
Stumbling Block To Stepping Stone
Whatever the stumbling block is, whenever it comes up, if you can just for a moment make contact with it and feel how much of the flow is feel, talk and internal image, then you can change the meaning.
“This is not a prediction. It’s not a rehearsal. It’s not a suggestion
of how things have to be. It’s just memory. It’s just thought.”
Then you can choose to go somewhere else.
When the old stuff comes up, if you say, “This is not a rehearsal. It is not a prediction. It’s not a suggestion. It’s just old stuff. I see it for what it is,” you can ground it into our body and then make a choice to do something that makes your body feel good regardless of where you are with women.
Then go out and meet women.

That enables you to acknowledge what’s there without getting caught in it or assume, “This is coming up, so I must be a loser. This is the way it has to be.”
Put all that together, and today can be the last day of the way things used to be.
Peace and piece,
P.S. What makes our live seminars, like the one in London, so special is, we do exactly the kind of changework and meditation, right in the room, that blasts you past these kinds of blocks.
You just don’t get quite the same experience unless we do the exercises live, in the room.