Dear Seeker of Success,
When a woman puts physical distance between you two on the couch, or pulls back just when you think you two are close to “it’s on”, it could be a couple different things.
Watch this “Ross Plays With Girls” demo where I explain (this is inside the “New Playing Field” video series that is available as an instant upgrade to the New Code).
In pick up or sales is their a phrase where you can screen out the wishy washy prospects so as not to waste your time. I have no problem being bold and direct-they’re wasting my time if they aren’t ready to move forward. What psy op lingo can we feed them to determine this?
This theme comes up regularly in our Speed Seduction as well as Persuasion Mastery courses.
Ross, doesn’t the phrase “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Maybe I should go” indicate weakness on the mans part and furthermore give power to the woman?
It shows that you’re strong enough to walk out, no matter how hot, sexy, brainy, awesome she is. It challenges her.
Got it. Thanks Ross!