Now... Get Tons Of Matches And Seduce Juicy Snatches With...
Speed Seduction®: The Digital Frontier
(AKA, "How To Hump The Honeys On The Top Dating Apps, Even If You Look Like The Back End Of A Bus!")

Dear Speed Seduction® Master-in-Training,
Are you tired of getting your ass kicked on the devious dating apps that tease you with the promise to hook up with hot honeys, but in reality leave you passed over for the “good looking" guys, ghosted, or - worst of all - matched up with war pigs that turn your stomach?
Are you done with spending tons of dough-swiping, super-liking, boosting, and other bullshit that lightens your wallet while it actually lowers your chances of getting the top-choice chicas?
In short, are you finally ready to do the seemingly-impossible... and turn dating apps into your personal cootch casino?
If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, then pay attention, because
What I'm About To Reveal Could Turn Your Love Life Upside Down!

Listen: as your Prince of Poon and Guru of Gash, I am relentlessly and restlessly invested in pushing the frontiers of the Speed Seduction® technology ever-forward.
That’s because I am devoted to seeing you succeed like crazy and enjoy a never-ending flow of your success with your women who you truly desire and deserve.
F@@k what the feminazis, “woke” manginas, and Romance Racketeers say.
Here's what ***I*** say:
YOU Were Born To Enjoy The Fullest Measure Of Your Sexual Fulfillment With Women!

And I won’t rest until I see you doing it.
I hope you’ll pardon my digressing - it’s just, this man-bashing and demonizing boils my blood!
Any, to return to my story, to be quite honest, when this horrific pandemic came along, it even slammed the brakes on MY Sarging.
So I turned to using dating apps - and man, did I feel like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
You see, despite my best efforts, and dozens of tweaks to my profiles, pictures, and messaging I was getting nowhere other than frustrated, f@@ked over, and - I’m embarrassed as hell to admit - financially drained.
So, I did what any smart person would do.
I quit.
And then I got a phone call that changed EVERYTHING.
The Amazing Tale Of My Collaboration With A Cooch-Crazed Canadian Genius!
It was my genius friend, and Speed Seduction® co-trainer, Akira Senshi.
(In case you haven’t heard of him, Akira has been co-teaching and training students with me in my Elite Speed Seduction® Superstars Academy, so you can easily see he knows his shit.)

What he had to say was, at first, seemingly too good to be true.
You see, he claimed he had spent 4 months deep-diving into online forums.
Now, I’m not talking about forums on winning at checkers, or grooming your poodle.
No, I mean forums where former (and current) algorimthm designers for the dating-app companies anonymously broke their "code of silence", and... spilled the insider secrets on how
How Virtually Any Guy Can Beat The System And Turn The Tables On Their Better-Looking Competitors To Pull The Women They Truly Want
So, seeing the possibilities for you guys, I ordered Akira to design a program that he and I could co-create.
He’d supply the technical side.
We’d BOTH supply the Speed Seduction® Language and apply it properly to the online dating-app world.
And that’s how Speed Seduction®: The Digital Frontier was born.
- Ryan H![]()
"The master himself Ross Jeffries and Akira Senshi totally and completely knock this one out of the park! Whatever questions you’ve ever had naturally and automatically arise from sarging online are answered here!
After just one view of this amazing program, I met a gorgeous, sexy young woman 12 years my junior online, and 2 days later had her back at my place for some wild, naughty fun!
- Cuv![]()
"I have taken courses on online dating before but this was different. Akira's thorough research unveiled what the modern man is up against in today's online dating world and how we can bypass the dating bots to get us more matches and get more dates. He helped me choose the perfect profile pics that would make girls swipe right, guided me with writing an intriguing bio, and even helped me with sending the kind of messages that makes the meet happen naturally. I was very satisfied with the investment. Thanks for all your help and guidance, Akira. It helped ease the pain of pandemic."
Okay, Enough Blabbering - Here’s What Akira And I Share With You In This Eight-Module, Tap-That-App-Ass Training!

The moment you claim your instant access now and log into the members' area, you will immediately receive a take-you-by-the-hand and show-the-lay-of-the-land curriculum that blows open the doors and reveals, once and for all:
- Standing The AI Algorithm On Its Head - this Romance Racketeer engineering scheme is wickedly designed to steal your money, waste your time, and crush your confidence morale, so we'll show you how to put it to work SERVING YOU the hottest women online
- Taking Pussy-Magnet Pictures - advanced techniques that cause women to feel attraction based on YOUR looks - even if you're uglier than a skinny, ugly, aging, six-foot geek from Culver City, CA like me
- Crafting Your Rockstar Bio - she's heard (and is bored with) the usual spiel, so instead we'll show you the words that will draw her finger to reach out, touch them, and swipe to the right
- Sending That First Muff-Moistening Message - while AFCs litter her Inbox with "heyy", "hru", "wyd", and "your hot you got a pic", you'll send messages that actually get her intrigued enough to reply and open the conversation
- Dealing With Responses - again, she's heard all the lines from every loser on every app, so here's where we load you up with the skills you need to handle YOUR conversations with YOUR women you TRULY DESIRE and want to be with
- Transitioning To Phone/Facetime - no more getting friendzoned and added to her collection of orbiters she texts with to pass time, we'll guide you through the simple steps that move the conversation off the app - we've got you covered
- Rapport-Building And Online Patterns - textually speaking, language patterns need to be presented in a new way to make them work on a smartphone screen, so we'll hand you that code on a silver platter
- Getting Her To Meet - opening the personal interaction to CLOSE THE DEAL is an art, and we will hand you the paintbrush and the canvas
Does that sound great?
"Ok Ross, You've Got Me Hot On It... So What's The Investment For Me To Immediately Begin My Journey Through Speed Seduction®: The Digital Frontier?"

Listen: rather than go through the blah-blah-blah, I’m just going to put it on the table.
Here’s what I mean:
- This truly is, on my cats' tails and their precious little lives, the best thing you'll see about Sarging on dating apps, tailored to Speed Seduction®. You may see 100 other courses on "how to pick up babes on Tinder", but NONE of them are created in a way that works with Speed Seduction® like this one does.
- Since this is a topic you've been demanding, I've partnered with the very best teacher for you, someone who joins me to ensure you get the results I've promised.
- I'm confirming some killer bonuses worth their weight in gold.
That said, your investment is just $397 USD.
To make it even easier, I have a 3-pay program that helps you spread those payments out a little.
And to make it more enticing, I’m throwing in the following bonuses:
"The Best Of Tapping That Ass Facebook Live Collection: 54 Lessons To Get Them Undressing"
($497 value)

Here is the ONLY place, and your ONLY chance, to own the unedited, uncensored, unscripted, and rawdog trainings from the worst days of the pandemic, when we brought the Brothers in Sarge together and created new paradigms.
These will NEVER be sold stand-alone, so this is your only chance.
Topics include:
- How To Turn That Buddy Into Your Booty-Bouncing Bedmate
- Why Women Hate Nice Guys, And Why Nice Guys Deserve It
- How To Nail Younger Women
- Why She Won’t Return Your Call, And What To Do About It
- Why You Will Never Seduce A “9” Or “10”
- Own The “Cheese” And She’ll Drop To Her Knees
- What To Say To Get Her To Leave With You
- Use This Theme And Make Her Cream
- How To Get Giant “Double Ds”
- Nuke Her NuNu With This One Question
- What To Answer When She Asks “What Are You Looking For?”
- Poon-Pounding Patterns From My Secret Sargy Diary (Parts 1 and 2)
- Double Your “Doing It” With These Two Phrases
- The Doorways In Her Mind That Get Her Behind
- Plus 39 more powerful micro-lesson videos that further benefit and reinforce your learning as you master the digital side of Speed Seduction®
And, if that doesn't have you rushing to jam down on the button above, you will certainly enjoy
Membership In Our “TOP SECRET” Ross Jeffries Elite Student Mastermind Group On Facebook ($997+ value)

Here’s your chance to enjoy constant and private support from your fellow students as you step into enjoying the elite Speed Seduction® brotherhood. Talk amongst yourselves, share stories and Sarge reports, ask questions, give each other encouragement…

... AND receive occasional mentorship from me (I do my best to pop into the group at least 3 times a week to address your questions, add to the conversation, and share my stories as well.)
And Yes, Your Investment Is Protected...

Just one more thing before you find yourself eagerly forging ahead into the Digital Frontier of the Land of Moist Pink Abundance right now:
It’s Up To You - Keep On Guessing And (Unknowingly) Blowing It - Or Take Your Opportunity To Claim Your "Digital Frontier" All-Access Pass And Put The Algorithms To Work For YOU, Now!
Listen: if you want to try to figure it out on your own, letting the Romance Racketeers keep turning your pockets inside out while rigging the game against you (laughing in your face while they do it, besides), then I certainly will wish you good luck and happy journeys in your battle up against incredible odds.
You'll need it.
Or if you want to hope, pray, watch a thousand bullshit YouTube videos on "how to meet women on Tinder and Bunble", or the very worst, LISTEN TO WOMEN’S ADVICE ON THE SUBJECT - then I actually feel sorry for you.
But if you are ready - truly ready - to get this area of life fully handled and put the days of struggle and settling behind you once and for all - and smile to yourself at how good your life feels then GRAB YOUR INSTANT "DIGITAL FRONTIER" ACCESS PASS NOW!
It’s up to you now. Akira and I are honored to be your teachers and your guides.
“I’m Rarin’ And Ready, Ross! Let’s Make This Happen. How Do I Get My Instant Access Right Now?”
Just go here to claim your instant access now (you will create a username and password and get started as soon as you finish the online signup process):
(Click here for an easy 3-payment plan for your all-access pass to Speed Seduction®: The Digital Frontier.)
If you have questions or need assistance with your order, or would prefer to claim your access over the phone, or whatever, we’re ready to help! E-mail or call (323) 252-1531 [use country code 1 as that’s a US number]
Peace and see you inside,
Ross Jeffries
The Living Legend of Seduction™
P.S. Look: one thing that all successful people have in common is they take action. So the choice is really yours:
You can hope things get better on their own.
You can wait for things to get better on your own.
Or you can jam down on that "Add to Cart" button and recognize: things are about to get, way, way better, starting right now.
The choice is yours.
P.P.S. One thing I want to make crystal clear: if you haven’t lived up to your potential with women, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!
You’ve been lied to over and over again by society about what works.
It’s time to strip away those lies and claim your success with women.
It’s your birthright.