Come to My Last-Ever Speed Seduction® Seminar and Master...

The Amazing Seduction System Of The Legendary "Godfather Of Game"!

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From The Desk Of:
Ross Jeffries, “Godfather” of The Worldwide Seduction Community

Dear Seduction Master-In-Training,

Would you like to easily master the linguistic wizardry to meet and seduce women, anytime, anywhere, plus the mindset that will get them jumping your bones?

Just as importantly, would you like to build a genuine and powerful masculine presence, freed from the pain of your past, and walk with the solid strength that is your birthright?

Would you finally like to get this area of your life handled, and reap the benefits of being a man who has choice and power with women?

If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions, then...

...Coming To My London Speed Seduction® Seminar On September 8th and 9th (The Last Chance To Ever See Me In Person) Will Be The Best Choice You Have Ever Made!

Listen: it's been a long 30-year journey on the Sarge Ship Intercourse.

During that time, I’ve had the honor and pleasure of teaching and transforming thousands of guys, from every walk of life, to enjoy the kind of love life you want to claim for yourself.

Now, finally, it's time to put into port, with my final (for real) seminar that sums it all up in fantastic and linear style AND reveals new, efficient and "super-slick" methods to "trance-port" the hottest babes right into your love chamber.

Listen: I know I said once before I was retiring.

But at last I have a new career launched doing persuasion training, speaking and keynote talking, based on my new smash book, Subtle Words That Sell.

So after 3 decades of helping thousands of you horny guys reach and realize your dreams with women (and doing lots of wonderful healing work along the way), I've earned the right to lay it all down and say...

…If You Want To Learn To Get Women Like This One Hot And Bothered In Minutes, You’d Better Enroll In This Jaw-Dropping Final Seminar Right Now

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In just the first hour or so, I will show you:

  • Dating Deprogramming - exposing and eliminating the "wallet rape culture" where you gamble the bucks in the hope of getting f@@ked
  • How to NEVER make "approaches" again, and what to do instead that's MUCH more effective
  • How to use the EUB System to instantly move past any stuck point, limiting belief, or lousy self-image
  • When and how you MUST "Walk The Line" to show up as THE unique and "prized" man SHE must pursue, chase down, and please!
  • How to instantly get out of fight, flee, or freeze and get to powerful, grounded, and radiant
  • Why you need to stop dealing in data (a form of "software") and instead delve into consciousness and imagination, otherwise your dealings with women will indeed "go soft" - and you don't want that
  • How to combine themes, tonality, and tension to get her curious, ready, and dripping
  • What you must purge from your mind during your conversation with women

Now Let's Talk About Personal Transformation And Healing (Gone In 50 Minutes)

As I said in the introduction to this message, a huge part of any of my trainings has been about personal transformation and healing.

(That image of me in the picture was taken just after I wiped out 39 years of a student's depression in just under 50 minutes!)

Now listen: I'm not a therapist and I can't promise dramatic results like that for everyone.

But what I can promise is that the stuck points and stumbling blocks you think are unique to you, absolutely aren’t.

So after 30 years of experience I know exactly how to steer you in the right way to dump that shit and reclaim your power as a man.

Whether it's listening to the hypnotic metaphors I weave when I teach, or coming on stage for individual work (you never have to be on camera. BTW) or absorbing that work through just watching, I can promise you....

Just By Attending This Event, You'll Walk Out A Deeply Changed Man-And A Powerful, Admired One Too!

Hey Ross, just wanted to thank you for a fantastic seminar!

The techniques for change that you taught us were what I have taken most from the weekend.  I have started practising them already and these are what are going to help get what I want out of all the rest the material. I really am excited about what I am going to be able to achieve in the future, not just in this, but also in other areas of my life.

I think your hypnotic languaging worked pretty well too. I really hope all things continue to go well for you and I am sure I will be speaking to you soon.

Steven Gooderham
Bury St Edmunds, England

Now check this out:

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Pretty cool, huh?

And I can tell you that "Chocolate Daddy" was one of the shyest students I've ever had.

I turned him around in about 10 minutes.

Now let's talk about a brand-new module I've NEVER taught live before: Secrets Of The Curiosity Code.

Listen: one of the greatest skills you can use to not only seduce women, but build an admiring circle of friends from any are of life, is to develop a genuine curiosity.

Why does this very rare (but easily learned) skill lead to such powerful seduction and popularity results?

Because very, very few people know how to do it - and 99% of your competition hasn't got a clue it even exists.

So if you want to tap deep into a woman's mind and create a sense of deep connection that gets her longing for you without having to use any language patterns at all, the Curiosity Code is essential for you.

You'll discover how to:

  • Use the "4C Method" that gets a woman to open up and tell you her wildest fantasies so you can insert yourself right in the middle of them
  • Utilize her responses to sexually amplify the conversation in moments
  • Perhaps most importantly, develop a genuine liking and appreciation for her as a unique human, so you actually enjoy and like her as a human while you are seducing her

I promise you: the Curiosity Code will improve all of your relationships - the ones you want to create and the ones you already have, across the board in every context.

(Oh my Sarge...did I just use the "R" word? Sorry about that my friend; I guess I'm getting a little mellow in my old age.)


Quick update - since attending your seminar in London, going through the coaching program materials, and then getting the online course, everything is falling firmly into place.

I'm 45, two years on from a ten year relationship with the wrong person, and now suddenly I'm with a really cute South African 23yo, with a hot n' cute Spanish 25yo pushing for me to come to a gallery opening, both after doing simple compatibility tests, twin brothers, talking about indulgence and escape, anchoring/self points, vibe variation, fractionating, touch and avoiding fact-talk. Not much else.

Not sure what's going to happen when I start doing the Famous Actress Joke, the big dream and flow of feeling escalation etc. November last year was the 22yo Texan dancer in New York who I camped out with for the whole week after meeting her. It's definitely SS that opened all of these up and all the other near misses over the past 3 months (there are at least 3 where I realised afterwards they were hinting ever so slightly at bouncing, you live and learn).

Now I'm all about being invested in the skill and NOT taking numbers and seeing where it leads.

Thanks again man you're brilliant!

Azman Luc
London, UK

Next up, it's time to learn.....

My “Daygame / Meet Women Blueprint”

Look: please forgive if this seems a bit harsh, but if you don’t have a consistent, systematic, easy to use method to have you meeting lots of women at least 2-3 times a week, it’s very unlikely you will ever achieve the success you truly want.

On the other hand, when you find yourself automatically knowing exactly what to say in any situation, you’ll be able to enjoy a constant stream of women, so you can...

Take Your Pick Of The Smoking-Hot Ones You Want!

Here is just some of what you’ll be quickly and easily mastering as I trance-fer the 30 years of skill I’ve developed into your horny little head:

  • The four "can’t fail" approaches that will make women eager to meet you
  • How to use the "EB4 Method" to have hot women approaching you
  • How to handle the "boyfriend" objection and turn it to a connection she’ll want to pursue
  • How to pre-program HER mind to be the one who calls YOU (requires a simple, cheap business card)
  • 3 top ways to guarantee you’ll never run out of things to say

Now, as exciting as this, I’ll be offering a hell of a lot more. Because I’ll also be teaching...

Secrets Of Unstoppable Confidence: How To Radiate The Self-Control, Charisma And Charm That Makes Women Wet Before You Even Open Your Mouth!

Here’s where you learn to go beyond the “Alpha Male” crap and be the kind of guy who can dominate not just with women, but also easily be the master of virtually any kind of human.

In this module I'll be revealing:

  • The power of Acceptance Confidence to melt resistance in the bedroom AND the boardroom
  • Three magic words that erase any and all limiting beliefs from your past
  • The right way to build true motivation that keeps you rocketing up any learning curve
  • How to ask the two "Deep Dive" questions that tap into the power of your super-conscious mind

Not only that, but you'll also discover...

  • How To Use The Four Energetic Vibes To create unconscious sexual attraction with your presence and vibe - no matter what your looks or age
  • How to Sexualize Your Voice – research shows women AND men respond unconsciously to a resonate and masculine voice. We’ll be doing a “voice” clinic that I know you’ll love (more on this below)
  • Out-Kicking Your Coverage – how to attract women you THOUGHT were out of your league (and not just looks-wise either)!
  • And much, much more in this tightly-organized, highly-interactive "Speed Seduction® In Action" live training!


Great weekend seminar...exceeded my expectations on the quality and diversity of the content.

The focus on Inner Game is more than appropriate as that's the foundation of Man's attractiveness. His congruence and strength in his own power and truth. Being bold and confident in business, life and yourself is the ultimate attraction factor for women. You've got it Right Bro!

Scott Lopez
Los Angeles, California

All This, PLUS The Classic Speed Seduction® Patterns To Get Women Hot, Bothered And Ready To Do The Deed With You!

Come and learn these classic patterns that have gotten tens of thousands of guys laid:

  • The Famous Blow Job Pattern
  • The Legendary Incredible Connection Pattern
  • The Never-Fails Discovery Channel Pattern
  • The Stealthy "(Insert Your Favorite Actress)" Joke
  • And many more...

To confirm you're in the right place, let's quickly cover

Who Is This Event NOT For?

Check in with yourself to ensure the following do not apply to you - and if they have up until this moment, you are now prepared to leave them at the door and open up to a new way of thinking, doing, and being:

  • You think you know it all already
  • You aren't willing to open your mind to a completely new way of thinking about women, attraction, and how language can re-shape your world
  • You smell bad. No shit, I've kicked a few students out of seminars because their personal hygiene would sicken a vulture on a shit heap. Shower, damn it, or stay away
  • You won't support your fellow students in a way that creates a safe, encouraging learning environment

And to ensure this is the right event for you, let's go over

Who Is This Event Definitely For?

This event will be transformationally powerful for:

  • Long-time students or fans who want to enjoy your last-ever chance to see me teach live
  • Guys who are just getting out of relationships and want to start winning, right out of the gate
  • Guys who want to "bat out of their league" and pull the HB9s and HB10s they've never quite been able to reach
  • Guys who want to get some strong training in the mindset that will allow them to succeed not just with pick-up but in all areas of life (including business)
  • Guys who need deep healing and perhaps have never had a girlfriend in their entire life

"Ok Ross, You've Got Me Hot On It... So What's The Investment So I Can Claim My Seat At The FINAL Seminar Of Your Career?"

Listen: rather than go through the blah-blah-blah, I’m just going to put it on the table. Here’s what I mean:

  1. This will be your last chance to attend one of my seminars EVER. Look: I am getting very busy doing business trainings where I am being paid very large sums of money that are more than satisfying my greed glands, so most of my attention will be going there.
  2. In addition to all the other benefits of this training, there will be hot sexy girls who you will be watching coming live on stage as I demonstrate this stuff.
  3. I'm confirming some killer bonuses worth their weight in gold.

That said, your tuition is just $697 USD.

To make it even easier, I have a 3-pay program that helps you spread those payments out a little.

And to make it more enticing, I’m going to throw in the following bonuses that take effect IMMEDIATELY when you enroll now.

First, I'm bringing back - and updating - what proved to be one of the most popular components of our 2017 and 2018 events in Los Angeles:

VIP Pass To Attend Our Saturday Evening BONUS Session, "Subtle Words That Sell, London 2018" ($797+ value)

Claiming your ticket today means attending an extra Saturday evening session where I'll be teaching a break-out workshop on my new Subtle Words That Sell System - updated for London in 2018!

In this wicked module, you’ll learn how to effectively "seduce" your customers and clients to make the decision to hire, buy, etc. on the unconscious level,  in minutes, using some wickedly powerful and easy to use methods.

Here's just a taste, that illustrates a key shift that makes this all possible:

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I've personally used each and every one of the methods, tricks, principles and tools I teach in this module for my own business. And that means you can get very excited at how will benefit and profit from having the same power to bend minds, warp wills and drive decisions and behaviors that I do.

IMPORTANT: you need to be one of the first 25 people to enroll to get this as a bonus. After that, it becomes a paid upgrade.

And, if that doesn't have you rushing to jam down on the button above, you will certainly enjoy

Membership In Our “TOP SECRET” Ross Jeffries Elite Student Mastermind Group On Facebook ($997+ value)

Here’s your chance to enjoy constant and private support from your fellow students as you step into enjoying the elite Speed Seduction® brotherhood.  Talk amongst yourselves, share stories and Sarge reports, ask questions, give each other encouragement…

... AND receive occasional mentorship from me (I do my best to pop into the group at least 3 times a week to address your questions, add to the conversation, and share my stories as well.)

And Yes, Your Investment Is Protected...

Realizing now, all the success this seminar will bring you, and that ***I*** am taking all the risk, aren’t you going to be one of the smart men who can find yourself claiming your instant access right now?

Of course you are!

It All Happens At The Fabulous Hilton London Canary Wharf

Because our students like the convenience of being close to the action and within proximity of some of the hottest places in London to meet fabulous people, we selected this beautiful hotel.

This modern hotel is an 8-minute walk from Canary Wharf tube station and 3 miles from both the medieval Tower of London and the iconic Tower bridge.

Location: South Quay, Marsh Wall, London E14 9SH, United Kingdom
Phone Number To Book: +44-203-002-2300

Claim your seat, and book your room now!

Here are some other nearby attractions that you may see yourself visiting - as I have said so many times "I don't go places to Sarge, I Sarge when I go places" -

The bright, streamlined rooms provide flat-screen TVs with on-demand movies, and tea and coffeemaking facilities, as well as minibars, and desks with ergonomic chairs. Upgraded rooms add access to an executive lounge which offers free breakfast and refreshments, while suites add sitting areas.

Amenities include a contemporary restaurant and lounge bar. There’s also a fitness centre offering a gym, a sauna and a steam room, in addition to a business centre and 10 meeting rooms.

Just one more thing before you find yourself eagerly enrolling right now:

It’s Up To You - Keep On Guessing And Muddling Through, Or Take Your Very Last Chance To Enroll And Transform With Me Now

Listen: if you want to do it on the cheap, try to figure it out on your own and guess your way through then I certainly will wish you good luck and happy journeys in your battle up against incredible odds.

Or if you want to hope, pray, waste your fortune on therapy or the very worst, LISTEN TO WOMEN’S ADVICE ON THE SUBJECT - then I actually feel sorry for you.

But if you are ready - truly ready - to get this area of life fully handled and put the days of struggle and settling behind you once and for all - and smile to yourself at how good your life feels then GET YOUR ASS TO THIS EVENT.

It’s up to you now.  It would be my honor to be your teacher and your guide.

“I’m Rarin’ And Ready, Ross! Let’s Make This Happen. How Do I Lock In My Front-Row Seat Right Now?”

Just go here to claim your seat now (you will create a username and password and get started as soon as you finish the online signup process):


(Click here for an easy 3-payment plan for your London seminar experience)

If you have questions or need assistance with your registration, or would prefer to sign up over the phone, or whatever, we’re ready to help!

E-mail or call (323) 252-1531 [use country code 1 as that’s a US number]

ross-personal-coaching-1Peace and see you at the seminar,


Ross Jeffries
The Living Legend of Seduction™

P.S. Look: one thing that all successful people have in common is they take action. So the choice is really yours:

You can hope things get better on their own.

You can wait for things to get better on your own.

Or you can jam down on that enroll now button and recognize: things are about to get, way, way better, starting right now.

The choice is yours.

P.P.S. One thing I want to make crystal clear: if you haven’t lived up to your potential with women, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!  You’ve been lied to over and over again by society about what works.  It’s time to strip away those lies and claim your success with women.  It’s your birthright.

P.P.P.S. Listen: there’s only one, original, “father of seduction” and that’s me.

Screw the Ross Jeffries imitators, impersonators and copycats, and come get the original, real deal, buddy.

You deserve the best!

Hi Ross!

I didn’t really know what to expect in London, and with a seminar like this you’re not always certain that you should come. However, within the first fifteen minutes of listening to Ross Jeffries speak it put my mind at ease. It was a really comfortable environment with a cool group of guys who were ready to learn from the master.

RJ has has a ton of passion for teaching and he knows exactly what you need. I would definitely recommend this seminar. I’ve discovered a powerful motivation and inspiration that every guy needs to find for himself. Ross knows how to help. If you’re nearby and it’s happening, you must go. I’d recommend this to everyone!

Matthew Davis
Calgary, Canada