Attention Speed Seducers, NLP’ers, Wiccans, Pagans, Self-Improvers, Warriors, And Those Who Just Want A Hell Of A Lot More In Life…
“I Guarantee This Course Will Teach You To Undo
Your Limited Sense of Self, Radically Re-Design
Your Life, and Non-Verbally / Non-Locally Influence
People and Events – Or You’ll Pay Nothing!”
– Ross Jeffries”
From The Desk Of:
Ross Jeffries, Creator, Master Teacher, And Trainer
Dear Seeker of Success,
If you’re interesting in tapping deep into the power of non-local reality and your super-conscious mind, and mastering the 3 states of consciousness that will allow you to…
…then please let me say,
Here’s why:
In case you don’t know me, my name is Ross Jeffries and I’ve been referred to as “The Living Legend Of Seduction™” and “The Godfather Of The Worldwide Pick-Up Community”.
And in the NLP world, they call me either “That Renegade Genius” or “That Twisted Son Of A B****” (I take that last one as the highest compliment.)
But assuming you do, indeed, know me, then you also know that I think outside the box, color outside the lines, and break every rule in the book when it comes to finding out how things really work.
I’m equally devoted to finding out how quickly and easily limits set by self and society can be popped like a balloon as you watch those “limits” evaporate like the thin, hot air they are.
When it comes to creating changes for my students (and myself), I’ve studied and mastered NLP, multiple styles of hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, and to make sure I really push the envelope….
Releasing your brain power in an entirely different way.
Now, before you start thinking I’ve gone and lost my marbles, please remember I am a very precise thinker.
When I first looked into “Magick”, I was not just skeptical, I was scornful – as well you should be if you think I’m talking about twitching your nose and making $100,000 suddenly appear in your bank account, or anything that even faintly resembles “The Secret”.
(By the way, I think everyone involved in “The Secret” should be hung by their ankles and beaten with a rubber truncheon until they give back every single dollar they’ve ripped off!)
Now, follow along and get excited as I describe to you what **I** mean by Magick and exactly how this course will trance-form your life.
(Skip the description Ross: I want my course right now!)
The man who started it all.
Magick, as defined by Aleister Crowley (one of the fathers of the modern practice) has nothing to do with rubbing lamps and getting wishes granted by genies.
Magick, by the definition you and I use, means:
It is the structured use of personal ritual, symbology, movement, and breath to:
Doesn’t this sound interesting and really great?
The sum of it is: this course will allow you to….
So that said, here are just some of the things I work-shop in this friggin’ great video series. You will be learning how to:
Now, here is the most interesting (and potentially dark-side) part of the video course…
OK: does it seem like I’ve finally lost my marbles?
Well… here’s how it works.
Listen: you can look at humans as functioning on two levels:
(Skip the blabbering: I want my course!)
The smart view (and the real skill) is to be able to walk back and forth between these two, according to what the situation calls for.
Now, if you haven’t already jammed down on the “Claim My Success Now” button above, let me pull back the curtain even more and show you how you’ll use that core skill to learn:
By claiming your instant access to your video course, you get – at no charge whatsoever, the following opportunity to connect with me and the rest of the community, LIVE:
Here’s your chance to enjoy constant and private support from your fellow students as you step into enjoying the elite community. Talk amongst yourselves, share stories and reports, ask questions, give each other encouragement…
… AND receive occasional mentorship from me (I do my best to pop into the group at least 3 times a week to address your questions, add to the conversation, and share my stories as well.)
I have been aware of and playing with psychic influence for 15 years. You present a model, which matches and validates my experiences in an astounding way. You explain this model in a clearer way than I have even been able to imagine myself articulating it until now. You are doing for psychic influence what Jose Silva did for hypnosis and meditation.
Andrew Harrington
Framingham, MA
Listen: if you weren’t totally convinced before, I think you can now clearly see that the Magick course alone is giving you thousands of dollars worth of value.
Adding in the membership to our “TOP SECRET” community where you’ll receive support from me and your fellow students, PLUS all the amazing skills you’ll learn in the course, ought to be reason enough for me to set your investment at $1,997.00.
But because I really want that contact and connection with you, and I love hearing students’ feedback about the results they get, I’m going to make this offer available for the next 47 people at just $397 (and there’s a payment plan if you need it.)
And remember, when you claim your access to these amazing Magick, Meditation, and Remote Influence videos today, you are protected by my
Listen: I’m so sure that this amazing video course will deliver all I promise and more, that I’ll guarantee your full satisfaction for a full year after today’s investment.
Now make the smart choice and, claim your instant access right now!
Just go here to claim your course (you will create a username and password and get started as soon as you finish the online signup process):
(Click here for a 3-payment plan on your Lifetime Access Pass
to Magick, Meditation, and Remote Influence!)
If you have questions or need assistance with your registration, we’re ready to help! E-mail or call (323) 252-1531.
Magically yours,
Ross Jeffries
P.S. I’m really looking forward to working with you, and taking you by the hand, to make sure you get the results you really imagine from this fantastic offering.
P.P.S. You are not alone anymore!