From The Desk Of:
Ross Jeffries, “Godfather” of The Worldwide Seduction Community
Dear Speed Seduction Fan, Student, Veteran Or Master In Training,
It's been a long 30-year journey on the Sarge Ship Intercourse.
Now, finally, it's time to put into port, with my final (for real) program that sums it all up in fantastic and linear style AND reveals new, efficient and "super-slick" methods to "trance-port" the hottest babes right into your love chamber.
Listen: I know I said once before I was retiring.
But at last I have a new career launched doing persuasion training, speaking and keynote talking, based on my new smash book, Subtle Words That Sell.
So after 3 decades of helping thousands of you horny guys reach and realize your dreams with women (and doing lots of wonderful healing work along the way), I've earned the right to lay it all down and say...
.....If You Want My Best In My 30 Years As "The Professor Of Poon" Then You'd Best Find Yourself Claiming This Course Right Now

In just the first hour or so, I will show you:
- Dating Deprogramming - exposing and eliminating the "wallet rape culture" where you gamble the bucks in the hope of getting f@@ked
- How to NEVER make "approaches" again, and what to do instead that's MUCH more effective
- How to use the EUB System to instantly move past any stuck point, limiting belief, or lousy self-image
- When and how you MUST "Walk The Line" to show up as THE unique and "prized" man SHE must pursue, chase down, and please!
- How to instantly get out of fight, flee, or freeze and get to powerful, grounded, and radiant
- Why you need to stop dealing in data (a form of "software") and instead delve into consciousness and imagination, otherwise your dealings with women will indeed "go soft" - and you don't want that
- How to combine themes, tonality, and tension - you gain the entire conversational framework that will get her curious and ready to take a deep dive with you in a powerful moment of discovery
- The "tells" she provides you that let you know she's leaning into you - how to perceive them and utilize them to draw her deeper into you
- What you must purge from your mind during your conversation with women, that otherwise will overload YOUR circuits and blow YOUR fuse - and in doing so turn HER off
- "How do you know" - I show you how these four words open her mind, her heart, and her legs when you powerfully position them them in your conversation with women
Just these tactics, alone, are worth more than your entire (low) investment in this course.
Now, watch me add rocket-fuel to this as I reveal
The Mother Of Seduction Language Patterns
Now listen: this course doesn't just walk you through the conversational framework, step-by-step, freeing YOUR mind so HER ass will follow.
I'm also including a language pattern so powerful, so stealthy, she won't even see it coming.
In fact, she'll be too occupied literally co-creating it with you!
It's called...
"Two Truths And A Lie"

It's easy - unlike Incredible Connection, Twin Brothers, or Discovery Channel, you can master this pattern with minimum memorization...
It creates a great opportunity to notice and feed back responses...
It's a great screening tool for women who have had some wild experiences you want to tap into...
It helps you learn LOTS about her - she may even be pleasantly surprised how much she opens up to you...
It creates comfort, fascination, and potentially a great deal more...
PLUS, it structures an opportunity for her and provides a subtle frame test as well!
Master "Two Truths And A Lie", then keep going through the concise, action-packed videos where you will also discover:
- Why, in 2018, I've largely backed away from teaching long, intricate language patterns due to modern understandings about operating systems of the mind
- How to instead apply the Rules For Good Language Patterns and create, inside her, states/internal experiences of curiosity, intrigue, fascination, connection, arousal, and more
- The differences between male and female psychology - understanding this gives you an "unfair advantage" no matter what your looks, wealth, or experiences
- How to use pattern interrupts to create a temporary window of suggestibility and give HER the power to create the response you want her to have
Then, we go even deeper into your mine (did you catch that?) and show you:
- What approach anxiety really is - watch as I help students in the room overcome what, up until now, you've called "approach anxiety" - in 30 seconds flat
- The truth about the time-worn idea that women have an easier time getting laid than men - hear from a woman's perspective, shared by a woman who attended my recent seminar, why this is a total hunk of B.S.
- Why you must stop "having sex" - get rid of the Performance Discharge Model, change this mindframe, and you'll become a truly great lover that women can't get enough of
- A few rarely-discussed understandings behind open relationships that you may find interesting, if you're into that sort of thing
- And much, much more!
All This, Plus Key Errors In Your Operating Systems That Have Held You Back - And How To Overcome Them!

Without realizing it, you may be measuring your progress through the pain of your past.
In order to achieve your success with your women who you truly desire and want to be with, you must break the "cycle of i$ht" and enjoy incredible success starting NOW.
It's not that you're not attractive - it's actually a learning systems error.
There's likely also an imbalance between the number of times you think about something vs. the number of times you actually do it.
The old patterns WILL come up, but you may not be prepared to deal with this.
There are 5 kinds of confidence (not 4), and by picking or aiming at the wrong kind of confidence, you keep yourself stuck.
In less time than it takes to enjoy a good dinner, we'll unpack this and liberate you from the chains that bind you!
Once we put all that together, you get to see it in action through
A Powerful "Ross Plays With Girls" Demo Where We Show You Four Powerful Approaches To Women!

Students, like you, have told me that one of the most popular "Ross Plays With Girls" demos we've created, at least since the days of the Gold Walkups, was the one we did in the Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster program with the tall, beautiful Russian woman.
By popular demand (and me asking nicely), she joins us once more!
Feast your eyes as she works with students to master four approaches:
- Notice What Is Going On - observe the environment and open with comment on it
- The "Put On" Method that makes awful pickup lines work all the way from here to Babe-A-Lonia
- The Direct Approach - waste no time, make no apologies, show monster balls
- The Unusual Question - as I like to say, curiosity wet the cat, and satisfaction brought her back
These demos include the proper way to use body language, tonality, touch, and how to handle both instant rejection and strong, immediate interest on her part!
"Ok Ross, You've Got Me Hot On It... So What's The Investment So I Can Claim My Instant Access To This Amazing New Program Now?"

Listen: rather than go through the blah-blah-blah, I’m just going to put it on the table.
For a limited time, your investment is just $397 USD.
To make it even easier, I have a 3-pay program that helps you spread those payments out a little.
And to make it more enticing, I’m going to throw in the following bonuses that take effect IMMEDIATELY when you enroll now:
The Curiosity Code: How To Delve Deeply Into Her Mind, So You Very Quickly Claim Her Behind - ($397 value)

In this specially created course that I wrote AFTER the seminar (so even if you attended, you haven't yet seen it) I reveal:
- Why you must NEVER ask "why" to a woman, and how doing so will guarantee you'll never dip your dingus in her sweet sugar donut
- How to get your hands (metaphorically) on her Triple "C"s and get her dropping her pants in minutes
- How - and why - you must NEVER "deal in data", but instead dive into consciousness
- How being profoundly curious sub-communicates a stealth dominance that other men cannot live up to, equal, or match (forget muscles, social status, and power - you'll mop the floor with your competition)
- And a hell of a lot more, in perhaps the best bonus I've offered in my entire career!
You can count on the ongoing support of me (Ross Jeffries) and my entire "Bang Babe Brain Trust" with this
Membership In Our “TOP SECRET” Ross Jeffries Elite Student Mastermind Group On Facebook ($997+ value)

Here’s your chance to enjoy constant and private support from your fellow students as you step into enjoying the elite Speed Seduction® brotherhood. Talk amongst yourselves, share stories and Sarge reports, ask questions, give each other encouragement…

... AND receive occasional mentorship from me (I do my best to pop into the group at least 3 times a week to address your questions, add to the conversation, and share my stories as well.)
And Yes, Your Investment Is Protected...

Realizing now, all the success this course will bring you, and that ***I*** am taking all the risk, aren’t you going to be one of the smart men who can find yourself claiming your instant access right now?
Of course you are!
It’s Up To You - Either Keep On Guessing And Muddling Through... Or Learn REAL Success From The Best!
Listen: if you want to do it on the cheap, try to figure it out on your own, and guess your way through, I certainly will wish you good luck and happy journeys in your battle up against incredible odds.
Or if you want to hope, pray, waste your fortune on therapy - or the very worst, CONTINUE TO USE BULLYING, BEGGING. BUYING, BS, BOOZE, AND BICEPS - then I actually feel sorry for you.

But if you are ready - truly ready - to get this area of life fully handled and put the days of struggle and settling behind you once and for all - and smile to yourself at how good your life feels - then CLAIM YOUR INSTANT ACCESS NOW.
It’s up to you now. It's my honor to be your teacher and your guide.
Will you give YOURSELF that gift, is the question you must ask and answer now.
“I’m Rarin’ And Ready, Ross! Let’s Make This Happen. How Do I Get My Instant Online Access Right Now?”
Just go here to claim your instant access now (you will create a username and password and get started as soon as you finish the online signup process):
(Click here for an easy 3-payment plan for your Speed Seduction®: The Final Frontier course)
If you have questions or need assistance with your registration, or would prefer to sign up over the phone, or whatever, we’re ready to help!
E-mail or call (323) 252-1531 [use country code 1 as that’s a US number]
Peace and see you inside,
Ross Jeffries
The Living Legend of Seduction™
P.S. Look: one thing that all successful people have in common is they take action. So the choice is really yours:
You can hope things get better on their own.
You can wait for things to get better on your own.
Or you can jam down on that register now button and recognize: things are about to get, way, way better, starting right now.
The choice is yours.
P.P.S. One thing I want to make crystal clear: if you haven’t lived up to your potential with women, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! You’ve been lied to over and over again by society about what works. It’s time to strip away those lies and claim your success with women. It’s your birthright.
P.P.P.S. Listen: there’s only one, original, “father of seduction” and that’s me. Screw the Ross Jeffries imitators, impersonators and copycats, and come get the original, real deal, buddy. You deserve the best!
Questions and Answers About Speed Seduction®: The Final Frontier:
Q: “Is my privacy protected?”
A: 100%. We will never reveal your identity to anyone. We take your privacy VERY seriously.
Q: “Do I have to have previous experience with Speed Seduction® courses before I download these videos?”
A: Absolutely not. While previous experience can be helpful, everyone will quickly be brought “up to speed” and you will enjoy the same success as alumni/returning clients and students.
Q: “I am from a culture/country that speaks a language other than English. While I speak English, I don’t know if the patterns will work on women in my country. Should I still invest in this course?”
A: Yes! While some of the language patterns don’t translate into other languages, the basic principles and structure still apply, and thousands of students have quickly and easily adapted them to their language, culture and women.
Q: “I am already in a relationship/married. Will this seminar be good for me?”
A: Yes! These same principles that get women drawn to you, work even better when you already have a sexual connection, whether that connection is strong or is fading to almost nothing! You, of all people, MUST get in on this! Your wife/girlfriend will thank you!
Q: “My living situation is not good; I don’t have a good job (or have no job) and can’t spend money on women. Will this work for men who are broke, unemployed, or who have low status jobs?”
A: Yes-totally! When you learn how to capture a woman’s imagination, emotions, and how to work her “psychological operating system” suddenly YOU have the HIGHEST status – because she is feeling things inside that only you can bring.
We cover this EXTENSIVELY.
Q: “I have little experience with women and have very bad anxiety/self-esteem issues. Will this course help me?”
A: 100% yes, and in fact, this course is probably the ONLY thing that can help you! I’ve got 29+ years of successful change work and trance-formational consciousness ability that has worked for tens of thousands of men. I don’t care what you think about your personal prison of fear – I’ll break those bars for you and open the door to the warm sun of hot women-guaranteed.
Q: “I’m really ugly/old/fat/short etc. Will this really give me success, despite all that?”
A: No question about it: yes, yes and yes! Your looks only matter when you can’t get women looking at you THROUGH the emotions they long to feel FOR you. Get them doing this and you can be an ugly, old fart like me – and I get very, very hot women, and never spend a dime!
Q: “I want to be able to respect women – I don’t want to take advantage of women or disrespect them. Am I in the right place to discover how to do this?”
A: Speed Seduction® is designed to break through the limited thinking of what I’ve (in the past) called “romance racketeers” who have pulled the wool over your eyes and have blinded you to what really works with women. They built a prison for your mind, so yes, sometimes I use colorful language and strong metaphors – but only to shock people out of their apathy and stuck thinking.
But think about it – aren’t the lies, distortions and humiliating things the media teaches you to control your thinking and acting with women FAR more offensive than a few cuss words I might let slip in these videos?
Q: “I’ve been through or am going through a shattering break-up/divorce/end of a relationship. Will this course help, in the state and condition I am in?”
A: Of all the people who I enjoy helping most, you are at the very top. The teaching and trance-formational healing you’ll experience-plus the brotherhood of men who are going through the same thing, or have been through the same thing you are, will absolutely get you over that hump and back on the road to where you want to go.