Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
A major impediment to success in any endeavor – career advancement, building a successful business, becoming a star athlete, discovering a breakthrough in science or medicine, getting the results you want with the hot, succulent, attractive-in-every-way women you’ve always wanted but up until now have not mastered – is in how you look at it.
Students ask me, how can they absorb all the information they need to succeed? What’s the right way to “study?”
That’s the problem – right there.
We’re not cramming to pass the final exam here.
That’s the wrong metaphor.
You can’t absorb what you would best aim at having, which is not “information” but SKILL.
Look at it like this:
There’s really no “information” that will, in and of itself, solve your challenges. There IS “potential information” that becomes real when you apply it as SKILL in the real world, through your ongoing PRACTICE and EXPERIMENT with real women in the real world.
You are aiming at the wrong thing. Again, the metaphor sucks. And the one feeds the other.
Repeat after me: F@@K information. I claim my skills.
F@@K absorbing. EMBRACE practicing.
Peace and piece,
P.S. Understanding concepts REQUIRES real world application in addition to “book lurnin'”. So join me for three days of live, in-person teaching that gives you the tools, concepts, and practices you need to develop real-world skill that will get you more success with more women, more often.
That’s a pretty straightforward article.
Say here’s a rhetorical question, if a guy who doesn’t use any method just goes out and talk to lots of women will he get anywhere?
Is he ahead of the guys who are studying your stuff?
@Oleg NO! Methods are important and at the same time, they are useful during certain periods of mastery and then have to be dropped. For sure, start out with methods and patterns! Until you train your understanding and insight to the point where you generate your own, or even better, you pull what you need from what the woman in front of you supplies.
Then your “seduction” is in fact, the woman’s work.
first of all, thanks for all the free insight you are giving. I do appreciate that you are on a mission to help men.
I’m a marketing guy and find many of the things that are teached in seduction are very closely related to marketing. There is one formula I’d like to share with your readers:
Knowledge x Skills x Motivation = Performance
And there is one single thing that boosts all three factors: Customer Insight. That’s why big brands spend millions on getting to know and understand the processes inside their customers to reach maximum market performance. Once you have this insight, everything else is about positioning in this well understood marketplace.
Translated to seduction: You need to understand women and stop doing what everyone else is doing. It’s all about calibrating to the market – or to the target, if we think in terms of direct marketing. After all, offline seduction is all about 1-to-1.
Thinking about women the way big brands think about customers will certainly change the game for many a guy
Best Regards
[…] or medicine, getting the results you want with the hot, succulent, attractive-in-every-way … Continue reading → [Source: Ross Jeffries […]
Information becames valuable ,only and only ,when it’s applied.
Said differently, SKILL is applied knowledge which equates to influence.So our level of influence is directly propotional
to our level of SKILL and how do we build our SKILLS? simple
steps at a time.I’m WRITING THIS TO RE-INFORCE this facts to me
and hopefully to you.Gentlemen age of rhetoric is gone, Now it’s time
to go out and apply the information we already have no matter how little we might perceive it and the world will be a much better place because of our “baby steps”.ROSS JEFFRIES you simply the BEST,much blessing and be HEALTHY.One LOVE.
Every life situation can (should be) experienced as a training..
Practise makes perfect..