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    Seduction Songs September 17, 2008, 5:08 pm

    The new ambiguity “allow this charactar to come inside you” alone was worth watching this vid.

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    Ollie September 17, 2008, 9:42 pm

    yo, ross, good stuff, i appreciate it. these days i keep forgetting that women are always giving off nonverbal signs and body language, and i usually fail to consciously notice it…. there are so many beautiful women where i’m from, and it’s weird, because the most beautiful ones are also the ones using the most makeup and perfume and stuff… these are all just signs that they give me, and it’s really cool..

    Ever met one of those REALLY NICE women, and they seem GREAT company at first, but then your relationship/friendship with her gets no farther than that? I recently realized that the nicest women are actually almost always impossible to get, simply because they’re not ready for any relationships, and that in fact, their niceness is a SIGN that they give off saying “let’s be friends”. In fact, the SLIGHTLY bitchier women are the easiest, because the signs they give off are like little tests that they give off, and stuff… you know what i mean

    i really do appreciate your doing all these things for free, because once again, your videos help me see the things that i knew before, but just forgot to notice most times. thanks.

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    Ross Jeffries September 18, 2008, 8:48 am

    Hey, keep passing this around.


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    Scott W September 18, 2008, 9:41 am

    this is very cool – thanks Ross…!

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    Michael Sweeden September 18, 2008, 9:48 am

    Thanks for this tidbit of information – keep ’em coming!

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    Robert Neish September 18, 2008, 10:06 am

    Awesome stuff Ross, and its totally free! It never even occurred to me that women might have their own anchors that we can use right back at them to trigger those great feelings.

    Haha I loved the, ‘and you let a character come inside you (self point)’.

    I really appreciate all these free videos (FREE VIDEOS PEOPLE, ITS ALL FREE!!) you’re giving away, you deserve a lot more praise and feedback for all the work you do. So I’ll be making a big effort to give feedback on all your material in the future. Cheers Ross!!

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    find yourself with a smile... September 18, 2008, 10:17 am

    Thanks, Ross!

    A free video on eliciting trance words and self-anchors… incredible (with the eternal wisdom… “watch their responses”).

    I don’t know anyone else who is giving away as much for free as you are… but I don’t know anybody else who has this high level of seduction material to teach, either.

    It’s useful to note that just the elicitations taught in this video can transform your results with women (and throughout your life)… let alone the information you cover for utilizing their responses.

    I’m always anticipating what you’re going to create next!

    keep smiling,


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    jacob September 18, 2008, 10:19 am

    I can’t download.I get message ‘this video is no longer available’

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    Spence September 18, 2008, 10:20 am

    Keep em’ COMIN’! Keep SPREADING the gospel,,,

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    Romeo September 18, 2008, 10:27 am

    I’d really like to see how you do this!

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    Joe September 18, 2008, 10:31 am

    anchors are very interesting.

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    Byron H Diel September 18, 2008, 4:53 pm

    Ross, the link seems to be screwed up right now. I want to thank you in advance for these free videos. I’ve benefited greatly from the free You Tube videos you have up so far as well as your Unstoppable Confidence, your flash cards, your 10 Fatal Mistakes PDF, and your original book. I look forward to investing in the full Home Study Course by the beginning of the year, but am trying to get a head start and am reading the original Bandler & Grinder Structure of Magic. I am finding this “technology” extremely helpful across the board in my life, and certainly it has improved my sarging, and still I feel I’m just scratching the surface. I was wondering weather you are aware of the work of George Lakoff (cognitive linguist from Berkeley). I have yet to read any of his books but have recently been exposed to him speaking on the radio. His concepts of the primary importance of metaphor in the structure of thought and the “embodied” nature of the mind struck me as extremely relevant to your work and NLP. His thoughts on the way these ideas are applied in politics would probably also interest you greatly. Here’s a link to the radio show which played a talk of his yesterday. I hope you enjoy.


    Thanks again,


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    MJB September 18, 2008, 7:09 pm

    As usual great stuff Ross! I’ve been using your teaching and techniques for about 18 months now – after really outsmarting myself and overthinking this “new language” for about a year it all finally clicked at once for me – “its all about her imagination, feelings and emotions stupid!”

    I have personally trained myself to immediatly take my eyes off a HB’s T & A when I spot one and now when a hottie gets in my site I’m programmed to look at her skull so I instantly begin to focus on her brain – thats where my work needs to be done – work on that and the T & A will come.

    You are so right about the non verbal signs – the first time I ran the “Love & Attraction” pattern on a bartender I was not that attracted to but knew I needed to practice – when I was finished hacking my way thru it her jaw was dropped and she was staring silently at me for about 20 seconds – I had to snap my fingers to get her out of trance because a customer at the end of the bar was calling for her!!!! True stuff.

    Thanks for the refresher and free info – you definately rule the seduction world.


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    Byron H Diel September 18, 2008, 7:14 pm


    The link is back up and, not surprisingly, the video is full of good stuff that I can use right away. This concept of looking for and feeding back the anchors is something I plan to experiment with tonight. Outstanding, as always.



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    James Fulton September 18, 2008, 7:17 pm

    Great Stuff, but I’ve seen it before…..guess I have too much of all your stuff…..can’t wait for SS 3.0….j

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    Amado September 18, 2008, 8:05 pm

    Thanks a great deal Ross.

    Your video is very competitive. Well explained, thorough and highly informative. I can reflect on all the gestures and physical responses for the past 10 women I spoken to!!!

    Once again Thanks.

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    VP September 18, 2008, 8:09 pm

    Hey Ross,

    Thanks for the free information and blog. Your stuff is the best. I like how you have incorporated mindfulness in seduction. That is pure genius.

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    Maxxy September 18, 2008, 8:30 pm

    Wilson you are the arrogant one who tries to overshine RJ when he gives stuff away you unthankful greedy bastard. RJ is tha man! 😉

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    Monk41 September 18, 2008, 8:55 pm

    Hi Ross purchased your gold walk ups and your inner game program I use the blurt out all the time. I think the major problem that you have regarding your competitors most of who are
    using mystery method or some form of . Is that they demonstrate their stuff showing so called live pick ups . I agree with you on the whole neg the target idea . I think it is stupid .

    Any way two questions 1 are you really selling your speed seduction starter kit for 29.95 and

    2 do you think this web sight is trying to some of the techneques to make sales that you demonstrated in your Maui speed marketing seminar just curious of your opinion ?


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    mark hansen September 18, 2008, 11:25 pm

    Ross I have purchased your basic kit and it has helped me tremendously understand the why in why women do what they do. I have never realized how accountable I am for there behavior, thank you!

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    Gentleman September 19, 2008, 12:53 am

    Sometimes it feels like Ross can put a 2hr lecture and practice in a 5 min video. If you already have the NLP basic stuff inside your head, these videos are like candy. Sweeeeeeeeet.

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    Dave Pomerleau September 19, 2008, 1:23 am

    Very cool do you still go on the all over and teach? Im in Tampa and would realy like to go through your class. Thanks Dave P P. S how $ for all of the stuff you sell?

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    Keith September 19, 2008, 2:39 am

    Very interesting and easy to understand. (Sometimes I find parts of your lectures a little abstract, but not this one). I tried it on two women earlier today. The first was my current girlfriend then, a few hours later, another women who I’ve met just once before. In both cases there were strong positive responses from them as the conversations progressed. There was a distinct sexual chemistry present and both women said there was a bond or contact between us. It was obvious,in both cases, that these techniques had worked and left both women with a considerably increased attraction for me.
    Thank-you. I look forward to the other videos.

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    Ken Rollings September 19, 2008, 3:02 am

    I had difficulty finding the forum aswel and just gave up. The video above is good but ill see if it improves my game first.

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    George September 19, 2008, 4:45 am

    Hmm, just checked out Mr T’s site and the technology vis a vis seduction is primitive compared to Ross’. The thing I most enjoy about Ross’s stuff is that it is soundly based in principles used in Neuro Lingusitic Programming and Hypnosis. It has depth and can be tested practically compared with most of his competitiors who generally peddle their own untested opinions and personal experiences. Fine for them maybe, but not generally applicable principles with a sound basis.
    Ross can be a tad difficult at times, that’s clearly the case but, there is nothing to out there from the so called seduction community that remotely compares with the practicality and the depth of his work.

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    ken September 19, 2008, 5:17 am

    You short video was great. It basically is telling one to pay attention to detail of a woman’s response and use it later in your coversation to her or her nonverbal response. I love to play chess and this sounds like a chess game where one has to pay close attention to the opponents moves and make your move strictly by what her move is. Cool.

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    Keiran Hickey September 19, 2008, 6:00 am

    Ross….so many of your former students have set up in opposition, that it’s edifying to see you hitting back with your most useful information…and think of the money some of them have made. When you first started I thought you were expensive, when I purchased your first Home study course, after getting some of your original material….but the prices being charged now by some of your former students, who like Liberace are laughing all the way to the bank … there comes a time when this information is not a sole function of money any more, and should be made freely available to every interested man. OK, you’ve got to make a living, but some become millionaires with powerful marketing gurus behind them.

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    ken September 19, 2008, 6:33 am

    Here’s an idea, take time to draft a woman’s response quiz, for guys to give, women will do it for fun and you will do it for important info. Rough draft a quiz that gives you the MAX verbal and nonverbal responses for ammo. Then fine tune it. It may be a cookie cutter quiz but, it will give a guy a way to get the MAX amount of info to utilize on the woman without having to feel around in the dark, to illicit responses to use.

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    Eduardo September 19, 2008, 7:10 am

    Keep up the good work Ross…thanks !

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    Ross Jeffries September 19, 2008, 7:30 am

    thanks for these comments…I’m going to do a response video sometime today and post it.

    Please guys, if you are enjoying this, help me out and tell your friends about my blog.

    Great, great, INCREDIBLE more 100% free stuff coming in the next 24 hours.



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    Al September 19, 2008, 7:55 am

    Original stuff…thanks!!

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    Leif September 19, 2008, 10:02 am

    I really enjoy your videos and the concepts that you teach. I would like to buy your products but you have so many I just don’t know where to begin. What would be a good first instruction course? I don’t have an IPOD and would like the material on DVD or CD.
    PS: Ross, in your free video series why don’t you also show you interacting with a girl:)

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    K.K. September 19, 2008, 1:48 pm

    Great stuff once again, Ross…

    I was curious, though, have you ever used a girl’s own anchor on her and she thought you were mimicking her & got pissed?

    I’ve guessing these are to be done subtly, to get to her subconscious.

    Keep ’em COMING!
    Best, K.K.

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    Chilen September 19, 2008, 3:09 pm


    This is your usual great stuff. Definitely useful and I love this easy to access format. Thanks for sharing for free.

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    Bob September 19, 2008, 5:37 pm

    Interested to see what else is coming. Will make a note of this one.


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    Raul Suarez (Lando) September 19, 2008, 8:24 pm

    Thanks for the info RJ. I specially liked tip on mirroring non verbal anchors.

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    Dan September 20, 2008, 9:09 am

    Hey Ross, just wanted to say this is some of your best material i have ever seen, and the best part is I can go out and use it right now! thanks man.

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    think big September 20, 2008, 12:26 pm

    There was time when I didn’t know Speed Seduction existed. Because of my ignorance, I actually purchased some your competitor’s products. After discovering Speed Seduction and completing the Home Study course though, I promptly discarded all of their CD’s and removed myself their email lists.
    Anyone who has the opportunity to compare what you offer to what they have will make the same choice. Your product is far superior and you have a level of understanding that at best, they can only hope to one day come close to.
    I would encourage you to consider that product is only one part of the marketing mix. Netscape created the first web browser, but Internet Explorer became the standard. I’m not suggesting you have to suffer a similar fate, but do think you should invest some time and resources addressing the other components of the marketing mix.
    Why do the students (yes I do recognize some of their voices on the Home Study CD’s) have better sound quality and packaging than the master? Why do the imitators have TV shows and the master has low-fidelity Utube videos? Part of it is packaging and promotion, but I think it’s really about unclear strategic direction.
    You have discovered something that has a market much larger than anything you’re currently thinking about. Howard Schultz saw something in a small coffee company in the early 1970’s that the owners couldn’t. Schultz eventually transformed that vision into a multi-billion dollar corporation called Starbucks.
    I would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about strategies that would neutralize the imitators and make your methods as synonymous with life changing technology as Starbucks is with coffee. Until then, I will remain a dedicated student and one of your biggest fans.

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    zak September 20, 2008, 1:52 pm

    dear ross i totaly agree with you about all your techniques ,but we all know that these techniques are working only with open minded women,and if it worked it’ll be for a few days,(like hypnotizing someone for 2months),what i’am looking for is a total charming and domination which longs alomst forever!!!maybe stupid as comment but that’s what i felt to say now, as you learned me.

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    Chambers September 20, 2008, 3:02 pm

    Ross, I love how white-haired and grizzled you look in these new web video introductions. The fact that you look even older and… um… less handsome than I do, gives me confidence that your system will work for me. I’m going to order your course!

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    Doug September 20, 2008, 4:28 pm

    As always great stuff for the MASTER! Mirroring is just one of the many tools Ross has sugested that does in fact work well. Keep up the good work!!

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    emperor September 20, 2008, 9:19 pm

    Wow. Free as in without having to put in my Email? Unbelievable. At other websites we have to give our email address to even enter the website or look at a stupid sales letter for a product.
    Kudos for that.

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    Tom September 20, 2008, 9:54 pm

    I love it! SS technology is so clever : )
    Thank you Ross!

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    Ross Jeffries September 21, 2008, 8:22 pm

    emperor said:

    “Wow. Free as in without having to put in my Email? Unbelievable. At other websites we have to give our email address to even enter the website or look at a stupid sales letter for a product.
    Kudos for that.”

    Yeah, I think there is a time and place to ask for an email address, but I’m personally tired of being FORCED to do it in order to get something “free” from someone.

    Fuck that-if I am trying to get your business, why the fuck should you have to give me ANYTHING first, if you don’t know who I am and have no reason up front to believe me?

    If you are going to offer it free, then fine, do it. Don’t FORCE me to give something first.

    That may have worked a few years back, but people are getting hip to it and getting sick of it.

    Personally, I have a junk Yahoo email account. When I want something free, I give that junk email address. I NEVER READ THEM. As of last check(a few weeks ago) I had 1400 plus emails. I HAVEN’T READ EVEN ONE OF THEM.

    I’m thinking of removing the drop down box on my main site that asks for an email address to get my free report. Instead, a box will drop down and say,

    “I bet this is where you thought I’d ask for your email address to get my free report. Screw that-here is the link, and you can download it right now. Free ought to mean just that “free”. YOU decide if you want to learn more. I’m not your Daddy.”

    BTW guys, here is the link to my 10 Fatal Mistakes report:


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    Larry September 21, 2008, 9:13 pm

    Seeing how well you did this this, and doing it for free inspired me to buy three of your products. You are an nlp master.

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    Jason September 22, 2008, 1:00 am

    Ross, this proves yet again that your imitators aren’t even pimples on your butt! Better yet, it proves it to the general public…those of us who have your materials already know!

    I’m telling my AFC friends all about your free videos… I just hope they realize that you truly put the “others” to shame.

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    Greg September 22, 2008, 10:48 am

    i’d love the audio volume up a tad ! thanks R J

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    Olivier September 22, 2008, 2:51 pm

    Just a thought : a written transcript could be very cool, especially for people whose mother tongue is not english.

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    Ron September 22, 2008, 8:52 pm


    Not sure how far along are you with your new course. But I strongly suggest you design it in a way so people can learn in step by step in small chunks.

    That would be helpful. I’m much more into having things I can go do as opposed to theories.

    ACTION STEPS are the best!


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    Jesse September 23, 2008, 2:44 pm

    Well, I have to agree with Ron. Action steps rule! And thanks for the new part of “Operation move the Free Line” it will help starting clients as myself tremendously!

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    Mark September 25, 2008, 6:45 am

    Well done great stuff, quite simple and yet missed in all the manuals!

  • 7 Step Seduction System. | 7Wins.eu September 26, 2008, 8:29 am

    […] Approaching Directly or Indirectly? | Best of SeductionRoss Jeffries Uncensored

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    Lala September 28, 2008, 5:22 am

    Hey RJ

    Sounds cool, but don’t you loose some of your masculine frame by doing the same movements like the girl?

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    A. F. September 30, 2008, 11:39 am


    You’ve re-validated the importance of the Male Dynamic. This is way more than mere “seduction” here folks.


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    Trevor Wellington October 7, 2008, 8:15 am

    Ross your stuff is the bomb, you blow your competitors out the water

    Keep doing what your doing

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    Peter Loichtl October 10, 2008, 11:43 am

    Great Teachings Ross i am learning a lot from you and after looking at some of the other guys teaching this stuff i think you are truly the best .

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    Nadeem October 14, 2008, 4:09 pm

    You are just too good.

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