Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
The first problem is you’re thinking that getting sexual is something you only do at a specific time called “the close“.

My first teaching to you is that having a sexual vibe is something that starts even before you open your mouth.
I’m not talking about being horny where your dick is throbbing, but there’s just an overall sense that you’re sexual without being horny.
Now, About This Plan You’ve Made
For How Things Will Go
Second, the idea that there are different phases – such as the attraction phase, comfort phase, arousal phase and seduction phase – is bullshit.
The fact of the matter is, people can experience all of these states at the same time. It’s not in a linear fashion.
Third, this notion that you’re going to go for it and go from no touching and no contact to then all of a sudden you’re going to “get sexual at the close” is a completely linear and wrong way of thinking about it.
Because when she sees you’re following a “plan” she’ll be oh so giddy with anticipation.

A better way to think about it is: you’re going to have a little bit of a sexual vibe and are going to be touching and doing that kind of thing all the time.
You’re going to be testing to see how comfortable she is with it.
Got it? Good. This increases the chances you’ll get it.
P.S. Now, just imagine your words going straight to the seat of her deepest fantasies, strongest desires, and wildest passions, so she experiences and links these feelings to you and only you, compelling her to want to be with you in the most intimate ways within as little as 30 minutes!
Or, stop imagining and start making it happen.
I just discovered that my unconscious testing program was to wait for an awkward silence. That’s my signal it’s OK to talk to her.
Maybe in some cases, but there must be a more effective program that accepts her freedom to have whatever response she happens to have without effectively requiring a commitment from her to be nice to me before offering to open.
All covered in Rapid and Total Success With Women.