Dear Seeker of Success,
I don’t know what’s going on lately but I’m seeing a LOT of discouragement.
Maybe it’s just more bull$y@! in the so-called news, or the election, or the tumble the stock market took yesterday, or the onset of winter. Whatever it is: ENOUGH ALREADY.
When things are down, you GET UP and GET MOVING.
I’m on your side and in your corner. I believe in you.
It’s time to stop f@&#$ing around. Wake-up call.
Peace and piece,
P.S. You have no excuse to claim there’s no way you can learn how, when the tools and resources are there for you.
The Speed Seduction® Rapid and Total Success With Women System contains the teaching you need to gain your results with women you truly desire right now.
[…] the rest here: A Profound Act Of Personal Rebellion (LISTEN UP!) No […]
nice! I wish my Marines Corps veteran son could hear what you said about your dads shell. I wish he would stop listening to his mother’s bullshit and take his balls out of her purse and face me, his DAD, a veteran before him.
I have never seen you going so mad about it like this,
can’t wait to hear the news
Fuck yeah. Tell it like it is, brother x
WOW!!! .. I could not disagree with one split second of that great 4 and a half minute presentation.
May I suggest to those who viewed it,….download an audio,…go somewhere quiet and listen to it a few more times.
A great WAKE UP!! call to those who think they have it made and a timely reminder to those who are frustrated with their lives.
Nice one Ross.
i’ll keep watch it every time I’ll ever feel down!
I can’t emphasize enough how much this video moved my spirit.
You’re my GURU
WOW! Just WOW!
This is the kind of words that comes out of a man who knows what he is talking about!
Ross Jeffries is my hero. What he does and has made me aware of has made me a phantom.
I was there at that seminar (LA 2102) and that was an absolutely amazing lesson.
Ross, can you post this snippet for download? I’d like to watch it every morning to remind me to get my @ss in gear.
Yeah Ross, I need to listen to this whenever I start beating “myself” down. Like old Carlos Castaneda used to say, “Death is our best advisor”.
OK, Capt.Kirk
I love the energy behind your words awesome video
Ross. Definitely gonna highjack the audio from this clip
and show it to all my AFC friends.
This was really inspiring, where can we see the rest of this? Maybe it’s the lighting or the white hair and beard…. but Ross is looking more and more like God with each video. (Not a god… The God.) Awesome stuff, RJ, you get wiser and wiser with each passing year. Please post more of this.
I fucking love this clip! Love it! and it’s something I’ve been forgetting lately. The Godfather says, “I refused to be a fool dancing on a string held by one of those big shots”
Great video Ross, you’re the man.
Ross, if you put this on youtube, it will hit a million views in no time! Much love to you Ross.
Thank you Ross.
Brilliant!! Funny that I saw this now…it’s exactly where I am at now. Have been through all of the crap & anger & am now working on building a life I want.
Keep at it Ross!
I’m a NEW MAN Already!!!
Ross, I don’t think there is a way for me to thank you…this video came just in time. You have inspired me beyond comprehension. You made me raise up from chair and start shouting this myself!!! I am motivated to live. I am motivated to act. I am just thrilled about living…and saying no to the BS that trys to get the best of me.
I watched this video like five times already and have told my brother about it…
Attitudes of Men
Mysery Method: This should better work…those itches better accept me!!!
Double your …Dating?: My GOD I CAN’T WAIT TO WORK THIS IN HER!!!
She says: I AM DONE with you PERIOD ASWHOLE…this is done…this is finished!!!
Right attitude: LET’S GO HAVE SOME FUN and FIND out what SHE IS LIKE…
She said: FU.. ME!
He said: What?
TWIN BROTHERS…within 5 minutes…LET’S GO HOME!!!
Man Ross Jeffries is a f**king God, period.
@Joe Fuck God? Hmmm…that might be fun.
fucking awesome
This is one of your best motivational videos in my opinion.
Give us more of these !!!
[…] The Charisma Myth Notes & Exercises » A Profound Act Of Personal Rebellion (LISTEN UP!) Posted on November 8, 2012 by Ross […]
and each time you will be there you must keep in your heart those gorgeous HB that you sarged from nothing
Thank you ever so much for speaking your sexy sexy truth from the gigantic glowing orb that is your heart.
I believe that there is in fact someone teaching auto-spiritual-root-canals and that person is you.
From those about to rock. We Salute You!
Rye Amp-Rater
Holy shit, Ross. Thanks for posting this.
I can’t believe that somebody on YouTube called this a rant. Of all of the R.J. products I own, this clip has to be the most sincere and motivating of all. I’ve been where you’re standing R.J. and those very words were my very own: “…I refuse to accept the mediocrity and I’ll go for what I want even if I die in the attempt.” It’s your life and nobody can do it for you but you. Ross, you may well be called The Master of Seduction, but in my book you are a true Life Master. I have learned so much from you. Don’t stop, I don’t and I’m 64. The real secret is to never stop learning or think you can’t learn anything more. Those two thorns will kill slowly and painfully: a bullet is quicker and provides more mercy. Thank you.
@Paul Wise words indeed. Wise AND kind. Thanks.
The world is an illusion, always trying to change you.
You’re god damn righ Ross
Thanks RJ for this very inspiring video, as well as for all other helpful stuff you have given us for free in the past. Sorry to hear you’re having serious back pain. I have suffered serious back pain a few times in the past, so I can relate to that. I don’t pretend to be a doctor, but maybe I can share a tip that has helped me a lot in the past: even when in pain, try to take a walk (not running!) regularly. Important: do it in a calm and relaxed way. The worst thing to do is to sit still in a chair for long periods of time. All the best.
Now that is Ross Jeffries at his very very best.
With Ross, it’s all grounded in real science…not just rah rah. This piece works fine as a ra ra….but we know there is so much more behind it all than any of the other people in his industry, or in the motivational world, for that matter.
I wish he would shed the vulgarity and adolescent sex talk that always seems to push me away from him and stay grounded in this stuff. If it weren’t for that element that I interpret as “sleazy” I feel he’s a genius and could be a household name.
@Tom Ha ha….suck me!
Seriously-I love ROss. True self help that DOESN’T suck ass. He fucking cares and he has changed how I map out my World-if it’s not practical and doesn’t work in 3d/real World-fuck it!
Ross please do Atlanta again I missed out last time. I won’t again. There’s too much hot poon there to not learn more skull duggery to meat plow their folds into orgasmic utopia.
‘you have one life!
are you going to live in mediocre life?
are you going to live a life of mediocrity?…’
‘…get moving because one day your going to be there’
I have it on the wall in my bedroom, in front of me to see it every day now.
Greetings from Poland!
Totally agree with you Paul. I wish to see this side of RJ at times. It is in your face but now it has evolved with his latest teachings! Awesome stuff. Miro: I will be doing the same but mine will looks like this.
<You have ONE life
<Are you going to live a mediocre life? Are you going to live a life <of Mediocrity…where you go why didn't I do this, why didn't I break <free, Are you going to live a life that you envy people who have what <you think you want?
<One day your lights are going to be out(DEATH)! The best lessons of <my life, the biggest spiritual lessons of my life is being with my <father when he died. I saw IT. I saw the finale of that. LIGHTS OUT! <HE WAS done. I touched the shell of that dead person. I saw the shell <of the man who used to be my father. I thought about death…but I <never thought I would see the shell of my dad. You never think about <that. I got IT…I really got it…I said you better get fuckin <moving, STOP the resentment…STOP the bullshit… GET <MOVING…because one day your going to be there.
This clip is such a short, but powerful reminder for me. Thank you for all your brilliant work over the years. Even the times that have been frustrating and not clear…were well worth the overall long term change in perspective. I think there is very few people in this community who get even near Ross's precision when understanding people overall.
Ross is definitely right, there HAS been a “down” feeling. I know out here my last 3 weeks have been utterly demolishing any good motivation I have had. I could blame it on the Election, the Nor’easter, Superstorm Sandy, or any of a hundred other excuses, but ya know what? In the end that is just what they are, excuses. So tonite after work I am gonna go out and start working on my ice breakers with chicks. Cuz it’s enough already!!!
Thx Ross, ass officially kicked, motivation received.
Here it is again…
You have ONE life
Are you going to live a mediocre life? Are you going to live a life of Mediocrity…where you go why didn’t I do this, why didn’t I break free, Are you going to live a life that you envy people who have what you think you want?
One day your lights are going to be out(DEATH)! The best lessons of my life, the biggest spiritual lessons of my life is being with my father when he died. I saw IT. I saw the finale of that. LIGHTS OUT! HE WAS done. I touched the shell of that dead person. I saw the shell of the man who used to be my father. I thought about death…but I never thought I would see the shell of my dad. You never think about that. I got IT…I really got it…I said you better get fuckin moving, STOP the resentment…STOP the bullshit… GET MOVING…because one day your going to be there.
Thank you Ross, I know this stuff but sometimes we forget. I used to be good in the game years ago, then I got married and tamed, I loss my touch and resigned to be an AFC again. But this video woke me up, I refuse to be a sex supplicant(even with my wife). Fuck that! I’m I want to get back in the game! and enjoy my life again!
Thank you very much!